Business. (Update)

Day 4,136, 17:30 Published in Canada Canada by grindarkly

Its been a little while now since the fall out with my business buyout contract I was working on. I have now set up my own corporation and lined up 3 big customers to service.

I am in the window cleaning business and plan to change the face of how things are done in BC in regards to this industry. (Yes I do those tall tower buildings. no, not as tall as trump tower.) People need a fair shake, employees and clients alike. I am hoping I can provide this type of environment for both groups.

What I appreciate about this venture is that I did not have to seek these people out.They contacted me and after hearing about my resignation inquired if I would go with my own business. I directed them to contact the original company but each one so far has insisted they don't want anything to do with it. Just want to work with me. I mentioned I don't like it because I don't want to be accused f stealing customers and they all had arguments in my favor. "customer decides who they want, not other way around" and "nothing is in writing! So he cant force the choice of who belongs to who." etc etc. They all were fairly upset at the idea that I would be blocked from providing them service.

I have yet to see how this all plays out.
Anyhow. I noticed there were requests for updates and what industry I was in so I finally am able to speak more freely now. Thanks for the support!

Thats all for now.