Bring Me My Arrows of Desire!

Day 2,111, 17:15 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain,

In ourselves lies the strengths that will decide our destiny. Only can we ensure the growth of our nation through our own labour, through our own determination, through our own perseverance. Only then will we be able to live together in prosperity and majesty.
Those who stood here before us did not simply receive what they had; they had to fight for it, they had to build it through the force of the talents that they possessed. Their unity made them prosper. Only through unity will we be able to prosper.

Your single greatest asset will always be those men and women who stand beside you, who live around you, who breathe the air you do, who walk down the paths you walk down. In these people you must never lose hope, and for these people you must never stop fighting, you must never surrender, and you must never tire. For your people you must always show bravery and discipline, give life and give labour.

Those with great stature continuously assume that their way of ruling shall remain eternal, that their influence is enough to put down new ideals and notions. While they take their power for granted, we, the people, suffer.

It is time for a change of leadership in the eUK. The Old Guard of the eUK, a group which has for too long led our glorious and grand nation, has had their chance and failed time and time again to bring back prosperity to our great nation. It is time for a New Guard, a revolution. It is time that the eUK return to it's former glory, and through strength, labour, and unity.

Although there is much that I wish to change with the situation in the eUK in terms of military affairs, I do realize that some of it may take far too much time, or are even close to being too difficult for me to achieve.
Instead of dreaming, I will present you with policies that can be achieved with the cooperation of our populace, if the British people decide that strength and unity are more important than greed and self-importance.

The Armed Forces Group has for a long time been neglected and inefficient, by resurrecting it and its purpose by allowing voluntary military units to participate in government programs increasing the efficiency of our military striking force and building mutual cooperation I believe we can increase our national military prowess.

× Since the privatization of military units in the eUK, we have seen the organization and mobile striking power of our country wither away. Through the establishment and encouragement of regular, organized national strikes open to all members of our community we will be able to direct mobile damage where it is needed the most and be able to take part in a collective where we all contribute equally for the good of the nation’s interests and from there bring activity and enjoyment back into our community.

× Due to the lacking organization within many British military units, a very large proportion of our citizens are left with outdated or misdirected orders on a daily basis. I believe that the government can mediate more centralized structure within our military units, by helping commanders out when it comes to moving their troops over to a smaller amount of regiments and from there proceed to have set captains. What I mean by ‘set captains’ is that before the elections, the command structure within the military units will have selected their most active members to run for the seat of captain within their military unit, and with promotion within that regiment the fixed candidate should have little problem winning.

× Another problem lays within the lack of communication between the ministry of defence and the representatives in our military units. By opening up communication through the means of having several governmental representatives constantly aware of the military priorities messaging commanders and captains within our military units regarding these military priorities, I believe that we can increase consciousness and therefore maximize our efficiency.

The recent foreign policies being practised by the government have been idle and rather misleading, where they have put too much emphasis on maintaining temporary pacts within the higher halls of government of other countries, instead of focusing on the people who make out these countries. A shift in foreign policy is needed, and with my experience within the field I believe I can help change it for the better.

× Relation building is centred around getting the people of another nation approving of us by promoting friendship between our nations not between governments but between people. With more British representation within the media and interaction sites such as IRC and Forums of foreign countries I believe that we can nurture a strong relationship between nations, on a strong basis. This has been neglected recently, leading to our diplomatic situation being centred around temporary agreements between governments.

× In a world ravaged by constant war, one of the best methods to promote strong diplomatic relations is through the usage of our armed forces. When a nation we are allied with, or intend to build stronger relations with, are in need of assistance, we can, through the national strike proposal I mentioned earlier, make good use of British nationals being visible on allied battlefields. Through the use of images of our fighting force in articles, for example, we can display our loyalty and commitment to a country and from there bring much support to our table of negotiations.

× Whilst we see rather good representation on what is going on in the world in general, we see quite little representation of what the foreign ministry is actually doing. I want to shift focus from just blindly informing people of what’s happening to actually talking about what the ministry is doing. With increased awareness of the foreign ministry’s action we can begin to see more feedback on the situation from our population and from there build a strong foreign policy based on the interests of our people.

× I believe that the British foreign ministry must focus more on those nations that, time after time, have done what they have been able to do in order to defend our right and our freedom. Nations such as Poland and Serbia for example have given us so much, yet lately the reward for their efforts have been small talk in hidden channels. I believe that we must prioritize helping our closest allies militarily, diplomatically and perhaps even economically, if possible. We need to make sure that their population knows of our gratitude.

In the coming days I will publish articles regarding my stance on home affairs, the economy, the governmental structure and I’ll start taking applications for my cabinet. I would advise all of you to keep an eye out for these updates.

Furthermore, I want to make sure that any support shown towards my campaign is greatly appreciated, and I do hope that we truly can change the UK for the better, together.

As of now, I will leave you with this quote:

"Diplomacy without power is like an orchestra without instruments." -Frederick II ‘The Great’.
