Blah Blah Blah

Day 1,359, 19:02 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

23:27 Padraig WE ARE PTO'N
23:27 Padraig EA
23:27 Padraig like bosses
23:27 Padraig ct
23:27 Padraig u run for there pres
23:27 Padraig we will all vote u
23:27 Padraig gogogooggoo
23:28 IBhoy remember when we took IV lol
23:28 Connell No
23:28 CT lolk
23:28 Connell Don't take EA
23:28 IBhoy everyone thought we were goin for iup
23:28 Connell It's p stupid imo
23:28 Connell pointless
23:28 IBhoy Ginge made a big public show of goin for iup
23:29 IBhoy downies used up all der votes to save iup
23:29 IBhoy we came in like bosses with bout 30 votes at midnight to take IV
23:29 IBhoy was sweet
23:29 CT
23:29 CT \o/
23:29 CT some many people running
23:29 Padraig ibhoy
23:29 CT it will be easy
23:30 Padraig rem when we took every f**king party
23:30 Padraig like bosses
23:30 CT i'll turn it into a facist party
23:30 IBhoy lol
23:30 IBhoy that would truly piss him off
23:30 CT rename it
23:30 Padraig SHM'S FACIST PARTY
23:30 Padraig like a boss
23:30 CT lol
23:30 IBhoy actually call it the fascist communist party
23:31 Padraig lol
23:31 IBhoy he hates communists just as much
23:31 CT can u still f**k the goldfrom it?
23:31 IBhoy nah
23:31 IBhoy yea
23:31 IBhoy awesome
23:31 IBhoy tho shams fascist party would be funneh tbh
23:31 CT give the ni**er a stroke
23:31 IBhoy *shms
23:32 Padraig this be p epic
23:32 CT change the symbol
23:32 CT to a swastica
23:32 IBhoy ye
23:32 IBhoy defo

😁Teh not so super-secret logs of the cunning ICA plan to PTO EA😁

e-Ireland must be hard-up for a bitta gossip.

If I was going to PTO EA, I would not talk about it in #eICA. I would not talk about it in front of members of EA who love the party. I wouldn’t give any warning whatsoever. I’d just do it. To suggest that a serious attempt is being made at taking over the EA party are more the suggestions of someone who is hoping/wants there to be an attempt so they can further their own sad agenda, than those of someone who claims they give a toss about e-Ireland. Truth is I don’t know enough about EA to care either ways.

#eICA is a channel for everybody. Always has been. It’s a channel where the focus is not on eRepublik but more on having a bit of banter and hanging out. Lately(past few months) we have all but ceased to be a cohesive Military Unit. The conversation in the channel is likely to be on just about anything you can think of. eRepublik is not No.1 on the list in #eICA. I’ll pretty much talk about whatever I like in there, and so will my friends. Conway the Knob could have published any extract from the past year in #eICA and chances are SHM woulda been wetting himself with the same level of anticipation. I can’t remember the last time anything serious was discussed in the channel. This “PTO” is no different. Just a bitta light convo, that we’re entitled to have in our own channel.

Conway the Knob only did it for the attention if we’re to be quite honest. He claims he gave a “warning” and they “wouldn’t listen” The Knob is around #eICA long enough to know the craic. He knew there was gonna be no PTO. If ICA was gonna be doing a PTO, it would only be with my blessing, otherwise there would be no PTO(barring maybe CTs own vote) He knew that. Yet he did not contact me about any concerns he had, nor give me a warning that he was releasing logs. He simply did it for the attention. Just like when he tried to impeach Snake, then got me to write his article of explanation for him cos he was too stupid to do it for himself. There are many other instances of his stupidity but I will spare him the embarrassment, he’s a good lad at heart, very likable and most of all, a rogue. You’re welcome back in #eICA anytime Knob, you’re fun when you’re not backstabbin ;_; Afterall I didn’t ban PP or CT after they got the channel a bad name with the Rizon Administration who sent a watchdog to the channel for a week lol

#eICA is not a Government channel. No Government business is taken care of there. Nothing that is said or done in there should have any bearing on anyone’s abilities to be in Government. No more than anything that is said down the local pub or at a football match should have any bearing on any of our abilities as eRep players. You can either get caught up in this foolish shitstorm, or you can take a look around, realise this is not real life, realise that to lead a country in this game you don’t need the same qualifications as you would to lead a real country, realise that a few lads having a laugh on a chat channel is not the end of the world(if it is the end of your world then your p sad and need to go out and lose your virginity) realise SHM is an insufferable tool and get on with your lives(e and real).

Apparently we are a "gang" running e-Ireland. We look well, don't we?

On another note regarding PTO of parties. It’s my belief that if you don’t protect your party you deserve to lose it.(it happened to me once) If your party is vulnerable to me, or to CT, then it’s vulnerable to anyone. Protect it and quit cryin’. There was never a plan by ICA to PTO EA. If there was then I’d be pretty confident it would succeed tbh. To me, that shows that the party IS vulnerable. Go sort that out and quit expectin me and the rest of the Government to be Mother “F*ckin” Teresa while we talk amongst ourselves in our own f*cking chat channel.

SHM: Quit insulting everyone in the place just cause they don’t live life the same way you expect them to. You’ve p much insulted anyone that speaks in e-Ireland at one stage or another. I am Irish and e-Irish. I’m not leaving. Neither are my friends, You are just going to have to accept us lowlife working class types as part and parcel of e-Ireland. I accept people I don’t like as part and parcel of e-Ireland. No amount of your incessant horse-sh*t will make us leave.

You owe an apology to John Snuggles for a start off. Saying that Snugs abandoned Ireland really is the lowest part of all this for me. Tbh Snugs never really went on strike imo. In the weeks leading upto the election where the false rumours were spread about him using Govt funds to tank, I could tell that Snugs was utterly fed up with spending 1000s of Euros for the sake of e-Ireland. He works hard for his money irl and he can do whatever the fk he wants with it. It’s none of SHMs goddamn business what he does with it. The rumours spread about him were just the last straw for Snugs, IMO. We should all be grateful that he ever believed so much in this community that he invested that amount in it. And he did invest it in e-Ireland. Nothing he done was for himself. He is the most unselfish player(along with Yddub) that I have met in playing this game. They have both fought for Ireland during EVERY administration. Both those guys did massive amounts of damage around the world just so the Irish flag would be seen at the top. Snugs spent bout a grand alone on liberating Croatia. What f*cking country do we depend on the most for damage? What f*cking country comes through for us time and again? Croatia. Snuggles and Yddub’s damage pushed Ireland to the heart of Eden. They are not to be disrespected like SHM has been doing. At the very least, if he won’t shut his fat mouth about anything else, he should lay off Snugs and Yddub.

PS inb4SHM says Brit PTO collaborator, steal community funds, gang, junta, regime etc etc etc yawn fkn yawn. Change the record plox.