Be part of a Military Unit; Get free shwag!

Day 1,420, 18:29 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

For those still in the dark, military units have evolved a bit over the last few weeks. The most notable addition is the ability to gain one free energy bar (and bazoooooka) every single day.

To gain an energy bar all one has to do is fight in the military unit's "Order of the Day" and defeat 25 enemies. This may prove difficult for many new players (and even the old folk too). The nice thing is that kills carry over to other battles taking place during the same day if the selected battle ends. So as long as a new Order of the Day is set after the first battle ends then you can carry over your kills and finish getting to 25 for your free energy bar. And a bazooooka!

Your options

If you would like to join a "real" fighting group, head over here (if you aren't in an MU yet) and check out the most established groups in your country. Good ones will provide more info on their MU page about how to fully join and where forums are and all that jazz. These groups require daily or frequent check ins and some IRC usage. They'll provide supplies usually and they will also provide an amazing community, a band of brothers and sisters that will help you not only through eRep but through the everyday ups and downs of life.

There are also other options for those who do not wish to be as active.

A long while ago I created a military unit. At first it was CRoy's Cereal Crusaders. And we kicked ass and ate cereal and had a bunch of big damage players because it was the period before MUs could hold more than 50 members so organized groups were not yet gathering all of their soldiers into single MUs.

After that, I turned it into R.A.G.E in honor of that time Claire went all Claire and destroyed the old [whatever it was called conservative Ajay clan thing] party.

After that, I stopped paying attention to the MU (well, I stopped paying attention long ago). And I joined the USAF MU for about a week recently as an emeritus member, and during that time I handed off "RAGE" to a friend for safe keeping (thanks Aaron!). But then I decided to come back, mostly because of the energy bar rules and to encourage those who don't wish to join a serious "military group" to join a laid back MU and pile up those bars!

The MU is now named "A N O N Y M O U S" and I am encouraging anyone looking for a laid back MU home to come join us. I log on each morning around 7am (Eastern time) and I'll be sure to set an "Order of the Day" each morning. We also have a cute and cuddly Jewitt 😁

Why the energy bar mechanics matter and how they can be exploited for personal/national gain

Let's say there are 3 types of soldiers. Low activity soldiers will fight about 50 times a day. Mid activity soldiers will fight about 100 times a day. And high activity soldiers will fight about 150 times a day (and more).

If every one of these people gains an energy bar each day, the national fighting output will increase dramatically. If the bar is used each day, low activity soldiers will be doing 20% more damage a day. Mid activity soldiers will do 10% more damage again. High activity soldiers will be doing less % of an increase, but they are more likely to be high damage soldiers so an extra 10 fights can make a huge difference on the battlefield. There, of course, is also the option of hoarding energy bars to be used later for a very important battle, allowing someone to increase their single battle damage output by upwards of 200% and further.

So more damage. Duh. What else?

I cannot recall the author of the article, but someone recently pointed out that it is possible to gain multiple energy bars each day by joining and quitting multiple MUs each day. Here is how it works.

Wake up. Make some coffee. Drink. Make sure to breath in between sips.

Check your current MU's Order of the Day. Get 25 kills in the battle. Resign from your MU.

Join a new MU. As a requirement when one joins an MU, you must kill 25 people in battle before you shift from a "recruit" to a "member". Here's the tricky part. You cannot see the Order of the Day while you are a recruit. But, if you can find out what it is from someone in the MU then you can fight in that battle for your "recruit" kills. And once you get those 25 kills you will become a "member of the MU....and your 25 kills for the Order of the Day will already be complete....and your reward will be retrievable immediately!

And if you have fights left in the day you could probably join a third MU and repeat the same strategy.

This should have serious implications for military planning. If soldiers of organized fighting forces can switch between friendly MUs each day then they can stock up two or more free energy bars each day, enough to increase just about anyone's daily damage output by at least 10%.


So if anyone wants to try this out, you are free and welcome to use A N O N Y M O U S to do so. I'll try to post the battle name in the feed when I set a new order of the day so that recruits will be able to see it.

Thus endeth the lesson. Go forth and wage war, good soldier!
