Australian Independents – Let's get back to normal!

Day 1,484, 13:11 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Friends,

Kicking off in a rather diplomatic tone it’s safe to say that we have experienced some quite unfavourable changes at the AI over the past month.

Definitely the most disturbing one was that the usual pre-selection of CP candidates did not take place on our forums, which means AI members did not have a say at all in the December Country President endorsement process. We were simply ignored the whole term.
Instead of following clear principles set out in the AI Charter we had a party president self-declaring himself as the Independent CP candidate without even considering other possible candidates or what is even more worrying, without asking in the first place if there were any Independents also aspiring for the top job.

This is a serious violation of traditions of the Australian Independents that cannot be tolerated and a practice that should be put an end to with immediate effect.

As a long-time Independent and multiple AI PP I decided to run for Party Presidency in order to restore normal proceedings at the AI. If you would like the AI to be placed in safe hands for the upcoming term please remember to vote for me on December 15th.

To conclude this short article of mine I’d just like to remind you that regardless of former party affiliation, citizenship or government roles, everyone is welcome at the AI who understands and acknowledges the values of being an Independent.


Former Prime Minister of Australia
Commander of the Order of Australia
3-time President of the Australian Independents