Attention Lads!

Day 1,160, 11:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

Tomorrow is TD elections and I may or may not be re-elected into it. I realize and accept this, so I'll deal with it. I consult my comrades at our party HQ on gaining support for my cause.

There once was a she-wolf who gave birth to three powerful man-wolves! There wasn't enough food this harsh winter and a low chance any of them to survive. One day one of the wolf brethren attacked the youngest man-wolf, and after wrestling down the mountainside the youngest man-wolf ripped the attacker's head off with his bare hands. The wolfmother and the oldest wolf brethren had food that night. A few weeks later, a harsh winter storm came, dropping temperatures to -36 degrees Celsius. The wolfmother died from the unendurable cold and lack of food. The youngest man-wolf carried his wolfmother to the top of the mountain, while the oldest walked behind looking for a time to strike his younger wolf brother. When they got to the cave, the youngest wolf brother knew it was kill or be killed, so he took the oldest wolf brother's head unexpectedly and slammed it into the rock walls, then stabbed him in the jugular with a stone tool and cut open his stomach, and rested in it to hide from the cold.

The youngest wolf man knew he could not stay in these wretched hills forever, so after years of survival and hard labor, he swam across an ocean to a nation of green hills and civilization in its own chaotic way. This land was eIreland. There he slowly assimilated into a average citizen, but who looked for the lion's share, the greatness. You looked in this man-wolf's eye and you knew he was from the wild, his heart could not be tamed. A few months passed.

He fought in many wars, worked in many companies, he even socialized with a few others. Then his new homeland was under trouble, after invading the weaker civilization, the weak civilization called upon its allies to wipe out the man-wolf's new homeland. He fought for his home, which has always been located in Northeastern Ireland (since last October). He was captured and held hostage, abroad. He scavenged for food, starved, survived through the harsh treatment. Then there was a rebellion, which liberated the capitol of Dublin, so the man-wolf went and fought all of his 20 gold and 750 IEP away. He did much damage and helped liberate Dublin and Northeastern Ireland (his home). After the liberation he did his best to help out the new prominent party (Sons of Eireann) and help rebuild his homeland. From the ashes, a new era arose! But he noticed all the past tension between individuals and groups, which he despised about his comrades. When the wipe happened, all was to be forgotten and rebuilding and unity was supposed to flourish! Well luckily they did flourish, or at least to a point of efficiency and sustainability.

Now the man-wolf is running for re-election in the Dail. Who is this man-wolf, you ask? He is MikeBane, a sworn protector of Ireland and dedicated worker! This man-wolf was put into a different environment last Dail elections and sat quietly and watched, occasionally giving his input. Now he has the experience and knowledge of these political types, the eSystem. Now he has not only became a incredible worker, not only a liberator and protector of the homeland...and now a experienced politician. He seeks to perform a extraordinary service this term, going through all the hoops, and making a political change in eIreland. So next election, don't vote for a washed up politician or a complete newb to the eWorld itself, but vote for MikeBane, the great man-wolf of eIreland! The proud Irishman, the left-wing radical, the one man with no plan! I get my orders from my people, not my companies. Be proud of eIreland, we have came so far! hÉireann i bhfad beo!

From your comrade,