Attack on Titan ( new misson rewards and new military rank )

Day 2,032, 06:38 Published in Japan Japan by Nanashi Senshi

When I logged on e-rep and saw that we have a new mission named Titan Revenge, first thing I thought that even our admins watch anime Shingeki no Kyojin ( Attack on Titan ) xDD. I looked some articles about new missions and here are the details about them. So that you can see does it pay off for you to solve them or not.

Prove Your Strength 1/4

Description: It takes a strong God to defeat a Titan, so a mere mortal must be very strong indeed.

Conditions: Increase your strength with 10 points.

Rewar😛 1 Energy Bar.

Prove Your Strength 2/4

Description: Don't be fooled, there's a long way left to reach the strength of Perses.

Conditions: Increase your strength with 90 points,

Rewar😛 3 Energy Bars.

Prove Your Strength 3/4

Description: Maybe you can't be as strong as a Titan, but Titans can't build ballistic rockets...

Conditions: Build 1 Rocket

Rewar😛 1 BH Rocket

Prove Your Strength 4/4

Description: It seems you are almost ready. Now rise from the status of ordinary mortal and become a hero!

Conditions: Win a BH

Rewar😛 4 x Big Bombs

Prove Your Wisdom 1/4

Description: It's not going to be easy to overpower the Titan, but maybe you can outsmart him using your life experience.

Conditions: Have a job

Rewar😛 Energy Bar: 1

Prove Your Wisdom 2/4

Description: Go out in the world and gain as much wisdom as you can for the big fight ahead.

Conditions: Recover 1500 Energy in 1 day

Rewar😛 Rocket: 1

Prove Your Wisdom 3/4

Description: You may have some experience now, but Perses is thousands of years old

Conditions: Recover 3000 Energy in one day

Rewar😛 3 Energy Bars

Prove Your Wisdom 4/4

Description: All right, greenhorn, you have gathered ages of wisdom in just one day. Finish your initiation and face the Titan!

Conditions: Recover 5000 Energy in one day

Rewar😛 50 Strength

Prove Your Honor 1/4

Description: Even the Gods are afraid of the Titan, but they won't favour you in battle unless you prove to be an honorable fighter.

Conditions: Defeat 5 enemies,,

Rewar😛 bazooka: 3

Prove Your Honor 2/4

Description: The Gods want you to travel the world and prove your clean heart in battle. Go ahead now, you cannot argue with the Gods.

Conditions: Fight in 2 different campaigns and defeat 25 enemies in each.

Rewar😛 Bazooka Booster: 3

Prove Your Honor 3/4

Description: While you were travelling the world, a cult of Perses was formed and started to burn and pillage everything in their way. Stop them before their cult grows out of control!

Conditions: Defeat 200 Enemies

Rewar😛 Strength: 50

Prove Your Honor 4/4

Description: You have gained the favour of the Gods! Fight in their name and they will raise your Rank Points to help you reach the might of Titan!

Conditions:Fight to inflict more than (for every player specific number) damage.

Rewar😛 10% of (that specific number) in Military Rank points.

Defeat the Titan
Description: Perses awaits for you on a mountaintop, breathing hot steam and sweating lava. Can you slay the legendary Titan and throw him from the cliffs back into the depths of the Underworld?

Conditions: Defeat 200 enemies and defeat "Perses the Titan".

Rewar😛 5 Big and 5 Small Bombs.

Exclusive footage of final fight:

Also new military rank is adde😛

Good luck soldiers o7