ATLANTIS or TITANIC?: Romania Loses Two More States

Day 546, 10:50 Published in USA USA by Nick Everdale
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ATLANTIS seems more like TITANIC today after Romania, the anchor and superpower of the European alliance, lost two more territories to a concentrated Hungarian offensive. Southern Basarabia and Chisinau fell to PEACE this afternoon in a continuation of the hugely successful PEACE offensive in Eastern Europe.

The eUnited States, which has in recent days distanced itself from the foundering ATLANTIS after disputes over trade and invasions of American allies, offered no public comment on the recent defeats. Once a major focus of the State Department, Romania has become a second-tier focus for the eUSA after the loss of its two high-productivity steel regions over the weekend.

Recent weeks have been brutal for the Romanian Army, and the once expansive empire that consumed all of Russia and most of Southwest Asia now holds only nine territories. A medium-scale boycott of the current wars staged by some Romanians only worsened an acute lack of soldiers for front-line combat.

In the United States, the effects of Romania's suffering are not yet apparent. Though they suffered a brief spike after the loss of Romania's iron regions, iron prices settled down within two days. The price of weapons has declined as well, though it is not certain whether this is merely a sell-off that may lead into a mass sale of now unprofitable weapons companies.

The Fair Dealer Editorial Staff feels compelled to ask what the endgame will be if Romania continues to lose its territories at such a staggering rate. With PEACE slowly consuming Europe and Asia, is there any way the United States - impoverished following a disastrous Russian War - could mount an effective resistance?