Are we to be borg!!

Day 2,126, 14:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

The Borg was a race of space people in Star Trek that was part human part machine and when you got assimilated you became part of the collective and was not capable of individual thought. This was part of Star Trek during Luc Picqard term and not the earlier show. Its ironic for me to compare the attempted british PTO with the borg because as we know they fled from this very same desire to assimilate. Part of assimilation in normal society is the punishment of the one that dareth think even 1 thought different or that has another sense of humor to our own. Some people is disgusted by South Park some love the show. Currently I feel that Seanan is desperately trying to enforcing to an ongoing assimilation. Usually as with all of these movements(Think The Secret) a common sense truth is twisted to the liking of the person that wants to assimilate. This time around it was so called pedophilia jokes. Seanan and co. borders on calling me and Kurgan pedophiles outright but its clear that is what he wants to base his campaign upon. Of course me and Kurgan is no pedophiles and is just as opposed to it as any normal member of society. We however understand the Internet a little bit better than her me having spend about 12 years on it and even having studied it. The fact is its easy to tell a lie on the Internet. I can pretend to be 16 and a little girl on something as massively popular as World of Warcraft I can then use such character to target normal Internet users and cast dispersion's on their character. there is very few critical thinkers on the Internet and as per normal sheep mentality my lies will sell faster than hotcakes will and another player will be the victim of a few sick lulz for me. Therefore although I can see an attempt to worm themselves slowly into our society and with a 60 player MU that backs them the signs can be just described as ominous.

After my soon to be resounding win for Party President(Labour Patriots) I looked at my own previous party Saorse Rogha Eire. A stranger was taking it over

This is his last article All that we must note is the country of the author is at that stage which is eUK.

Secondly we must look at a new MU that sprang up:

At first the brits joined the Irish Army. Now they moved to their own unit. ATM it has 60 members . ATM only 5 members of that unit + MRCONWAY*(1) has Irish citizenship.

However as Kurgan correctly pointed out they are affiliated with the Kunts which is about 22 players strong and has currently 5 congress members. How do we know this. Well OrangeJuicemmm previously wrote a lot of articles and always claimed his great friendship with BigAnt and his buddies. How the Kunts was the only party that could save us from a wipe at that time because they had the ear of BigAnt's governtment.

But I hear from the government they are slowly filtering them in. No doubt full gates opened is just a matter of game dynamics.

So atm they have 7 members in Ireland and that includes MrConway our current Vice Minister Of Community.

So they have intention but no numbers. Numbers is the problem so they have been befriending a lot of players. We are a 200 player pond their social skills with 3000 players cant be bad.

Actually they have been mean to no one they have not taken sides.

So as we look at who made it in some heavy hitters did. So there is now extra motivation for Seanan to keep them happy. Seanan who is going to fail his exams as he quit MU Commander of Irish Army to study but is still very busy with MOD duties and krakkens 1 WEPS donations and constant criticism of his work. Poor Seanan.

SO we see something building up and up. First join the community second establish Mu's and Political Parties. the numbers is very low:

62 > 53 ( + pp of S.R.E. + helpmeslack ) and there maybe already others.

So give them all citizenship and you have a grouping of 60 players in Ireland. That means the ability to win all elections including CP elections.


At this moment they have the aim of revenge on their previous government with this they intention they will need to be able to switch the buttons. Congress is all they need in fact.

They will need to be able to declare eUK Natural Enemy. Although Wayne Kerr is a massive poof imho I think his/her parties orientation is perhaps to long term peace with Ireland. Big Ant wanted to wipe us ? Anyway lets look at his PLAN critically who will commit to a war with eIreland against the Brits. Uhmmm..... Problem ...Not for them. They just want a fight and dont care about anything else? Or what.

Anyway our current government is not a good one. For me the difference between Seanan who wants to poof the whole of ireland (etc etc we have a situation that our top 6 ranked fighter in a major competition gets not support. in the words of seanan when i saw your name at the top I was so angry!) and the brits is not a toss up. Seanan etc must go their time is up. OUT OUT SEANAN! OUT OUT!


Our policy will be one of silence . What will happen will happen you were warned. Every time we try and fight for something we get rewarded with scorn and hatred. So I personally will leave the Brits alone let them Borg the Irish let them take over our congress before they push the NE switch on euk we will be wiped and will have no Congress till we grovel again to Waynekerr etc and this will not happen as the persons in charge will be their enemy.

On an ironic note I see that their views will eventually clash with those of Seanan and cronies as Seanan wants to make Ireland into Kerrland a concentration camp where one word out of line gets you banned where making wayward jokes gets you thrown out of the game.

----THE END---


1. We pause at mrConway after warning Seanan and Ian E Coleman of mrConway being a traitor 🙁No the screenies by Kurgan is real I saw and commented on that article myself.) We were tol😛MrConway will be let back into the ARMY but will have no role in the ARMY near the controls. mrConway then handed out WEPS in two National Strikes . MrConway was thereafter promoted to Minister of Community where he could steal all the communities money. Promises By Gov kept 0 Loyal Citizens of Ireland 0 Mrconway and fellow british traitors 2. MrConway was also appointed by these very same people to eUk Congress within a week of joining. Secondly Krakken saw Malbekhs return and how he attacked Kurgan with no justification to defend MrConway. How he was rewarded for his attacks on Kurgan with number 2 spot in the IA within a few weeks of rejoining the country. How Krakken who pointed out the politics and hatred towards the community inherent in his appoint ment who kept attacking this poison in our waters this poison that wanted to attack honest players in the defense of dishonest players. Eventually we cleased the water and ridded the community of our worst player. The reward was of course that a player loyal to the Irish cause and heavy contributor to the very army he was kicked from was kicked and made an outcast by the government. But dont worry my little children evil thoughts and feelings and actions eventually ends in butthurt for seanan and all his corrupt cronies.