APP - Updates & Current Events

Day 2,419, 09:45 Published in Australia Australia by Infowar

This week has been a busy week for APP. We have begun to rebuild the party back up again, locating active members who are keen to participate in party activities, and reestablish communications with our party members after the turbulence of the past in regards to eAustralia being wiped for so long, soon APP will be back up and running in full force. As the week goes on we will be contacting more members in order to consolidate the party further.

In the meantime our two congress members roboz and party president Argi the eliminator have been keeping an eye on things in the senate, voting for MPPs, NEs, fund transfers etc., and keeping watch on government activities. With the consolidation of our party, I am confident that we should be able to secure a couple of seats in the senate once more next congress elections on the 25th, but we will discuss that later on.

As you know the country presidential elections are now about to draw to a close. The majority of APP members decided that Mr Sherlock Holmes (Aka Saiwun) would be the best man for the job this term, hence our endorsement for him during these elections. However, as APP strengthens the APP fully intend to regularly have our own members as candidates and thus run for CP in future upcoming elections.

As one Prime Minister of eAustralia enters office another one steps down. We would like to thank Claire Louise for her service to eAustralia this term. Despite some critisms from a few older members of the community, no one can doubt that she done an outstanding job while in office. We now have a congress for the first time in months and months; activity has risen significantly; wealth has flowed into this country; and eAustralia has expanded and established strong connections and bonds with our allied nations due to her foreign and diplomatic policies. Love her or hate her, she did a great job in office and we are grateful for her contribution to this enation.

On the 15th of July will be the Party presidential elections. I have decided to run for party president, and I will soon be releasing my platform explaining my intentions if I am elected as party president of the APP. So stay tuned for that.

Signing off for team APP!!!
