APP: Rebuilding Our Infrastructure

Day 2,415, 00:55 Published in Australia Australia by Infowar

APP is one of the most renown and long standing political parties to have served the eAustralian community. The past few months we ourselves had fallen victim to inactivity, like most parties before us, although we were one of the most resilient, we too had eventually succumbed to the long-standing months and months on end of being wiped by eChile suffering the feelings of hopelessness with the appearance of there being no sign of salvation on the horizon..

This party has a history of producing some of the most influential, brilliant and gifted politicians this enation has ever seen. APP has a tradition of being active at times when all the other parties were inactive, and I intend to uphold that legacy. APP shall never die!

Rest assured my fellow members, we still have some of the greatest, most influential people within the eAustralian community whom are still members. Some are two-clicking and will merge from the shadows once the time is right, others are waiting for the active members to organize themselves and start rebuilding some infrastructure which is what is already happening, then a brush fire will become a wildfire and this party shall triumph once more.

Now let's get to business. Members who have not already done so please join the new e-Australian National forums. Once you join there please ask for access to the private APP board here. It is a big advantage to have a place where we can plan, organize and communicate, so please do get involved there. Please also take time to vote in the opinion poll on which candidate APP will support for the upcoming CP elections.

I would like to acknowledge some current members who are actively working to put this party back in shape: our party president Argi the eliminator, J Seemore, DodgyHagrid, A Just Man, roboz, and we are honored to have back on the team our old friend and dedicated party member Skraus who will also be assisting where necessary.

I have also spoken to some other eAustralian citizens who are keen to come aboard and help restore this great party to its former glory.

To celebrate the resurrection of the APP party I will be giving 10 Q7 weapons out to any eAustralian citizen who votes + subs and leaves a comment below. The only requirement is that you must be an eAustralian citizen 🙂

APP shall rise again!!!
