Analyzing the new changes

Day 1,298, 08:37 Published in USA Poland by Garmr

Hello American friends,

As many of you don't know me, I'll start off with an introduction. My name is Garmr, and I've recently migrated to the USA from the Netherlands, because we had some issues (rea😛 Pink Polish Plumber Army) that really messed up my productivity. Now on to more important matters.

Why I am writing this
As with every change, there are those that start to whine about it, and attempt to get as many people with them. This often works, and for no reason people follow those few. Rather than shout gibberish and wave my arms in the air like I just don't care, I will attempt to educate you on the precise effects of these changes.

What changed?
Admin removed the economy skill. Workers with skill 14 got a +100 health building, and 10 energy bars. Workers with skill 13 or below got a +50 health building, and 15 energy bars. They also added a Town Center building to My Land, giving you 500 health at Q5.

The probable effect this will have on the economy
Players that used to be self-sufficient through their companies are still self-sufficient. At the same time, armies will have an increase in weapons which they need to supply. Communes can still take care of that, but there will be an increased demand on RM.
The production of RM companies has been increased by 150% to compensate for this increase in demand. However, this is only true for large countries like the USA and Poland. Seeing regions are the only thing left to affect basic production, it is of very high importance for all countries to gather as much different regions as possible. Failure to do so would mean a large economical disadvantage, and high prices for their goods on the national market, as the supply will drop and demand will be the same.
It will possibly become viable to start import and export again. Even if countries raise their import tax, there will still be traders traveling on and off to their country. As there is no stopping foreign traders, this means local producers in small nations are unable to offer any kind of competition.

The probable effect this will have on the military
This effect stretches out to the military as well. Small countries will probably have problems on the middle and long term, seeing their main source of weapon supply will come through traders, and as these traders will just sell their national currency back to them it is a matter of time before they lack the gold to keep this up. Alternatively they could move abroad buying the weapons themselves, but they would face the same problem in the end. Small countries will now mainly rely on buying gold to continue their existence. Aside from small countries, creditcard tanks will also feel a disadvantage. This is simply because they will need to increase their total damage to do the same effect compared to the previous system, which costs them more gold per battle. Assuming even creditcard tanks have a limit on what they wish to spend on the game, this means their importance in battles will drop.


Well, that about wraps it up. Votes are appreciated.

Sincere regards,