An update from the Oval (II) [EDIT]

Day 919, 14:08 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

I have a bevy of things to talk about in this article, so let's get right to it.

1) Once again, I would like to thank Max McFarland 2 for his continued patriotism in recent days. While Max and I have clearly disagreed about the path the USA should take in the path, to the extent of some harsh words exchanged between us, I am more than happy to recognize his good work when his contributions are beneficial to the nation. Max has donated time and gold in recent days for everything from tanks for Liaoning to helping the Philippines in their fight against Indonesia. Good work, Max.

2) We lost Lion King. This sucks. However, we once again did an enormous amount of damage. The difference in the battle was the Serbian populace versus the American populace. What can we do to change this? Well, it's pretty simple. Today, I am announcing a plan that I had in the first day of my term. From now until June 4th, I will be holding a simple competition: it is to see who can create the biggest baby boom. The person who has the most successful baby boom in this time period will not only get referral gold but will get a 200 gold bounty from the US Government. Go to the forums, discuss ways to get it done, work with your fellow Americans. Close the gap.

3) As many of you have seen, India has requested Karnataka back. I will engage in diplomatic talks with these nations as my term comes to an end. However, I do wish to offer a few caveats. One, our current diplomatic agreement extends to the 5th of June, so requesting the region back now is not exactly proper. Secondly, America has built a massive wall to protect Karnataka from foreign invasion in the months that we have held this region: at the very least, we would request time to remove these citizens and to allow business owners to sell their possessions. While I will open a discussion, there is not a certainty that the discussion will finish within my term. I ask for patience from all sides as we work to find an agreement that is suitable to all sides. I will offer my opinion on the situation: I feel that India would make more gold at present from renting the region and I don't feel like they will make enough gold to sustain valuable MPP's if they own the region. If they own the region, they won't get the 900 gold/month that they currently get, which means maintaining the costly MPP's is that much harder. With Serbia and other countries on your doorstep, good luck maintaining a high iron region with less than 5 powerful EDEN MPP's. I feel like this is a mistake, but we will work with India to make sure the region is protected, no matter what.

4) Presidential elections are heating up. Good luck to all candidates involved. I wish them all luck and hope I see a clean campaign. My endorsement is not yet decided, as I'd want to see all the candidates before I make a decision. I hope other voters do the same.

5) As my term winds down, I'd like to thank everyone who has made this government run like a well oiled machine this month. I like to make my terms eras of smaller government improvements that set the stage for the next person to succeed; I hope I've done this. From a smaller cabinet to clearer separation of powers, I hope the next President has a stable term. For me, I just have one last thing to do...

6) Losses in the Asian sphere -- Yes, it's upsetting. Shandong and Henan were recently lost. I'm sure fingers will be pointed, but the end game is that South Korea and North Korea let Russia through to attack a USA that was coming off of a major battle for the most treasured region in the game; obviously not our best time. I have no doubt that the regions will be regained by China very soon.

Soon, I'll be releasing a new project I've been working on for a while. It will revolutionize Erepublik, I promise you.