AMP removes Sanctuary Offer

Day 789, 23:30 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

I feel the need to post this because my personal integrity and the integrity of the Australian Military Party has been questioned over our offer to the disposed members of the ADP.

The Australian Military Party is a group beyond the normal standard of political parties in that we look do what is best for the Australian Population in general and do not fall to gutter politics like so many other parties. Yet the claim has been made that we only sought to boost our numbers....

While I will of course welcome former ADP members into the fold you will be joining the AMP. There will be no separation. Your former leaders have brought about this decision through THEIR indecision.

As a single group moving to one of the lower parties might have dropped the former ADP out of the top 5 and prevented a potential Government Take Over. That was our only thought behind the offer.

However I will not have the AMP's motives questioned like we are some vultures seeking to tear the flesh off the carcass that was the ADP.

The Australian Military Party thrives on unity of purpose will remain stead fast on our course. We will not be dragged down by small man politics.