AMERICA: Why So Serious?

Day 569, 17:30 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

Consider this an editorial, a rant, consider it whatever you want. However, this has come to a head recently, and it's something I want to vent about.

Americans wonder why we don't win at this game. Why don't we win in wars!, the crowd yells. I'll tell you why we don't win: because people, at least America, aren't playing this game the right way. We have to remember that, in the end, this is a game. I've actually met anti-war activists because they thought it was immoral. Really, they thought war games were immoral. Indonesia has no problems with cheating, waking up at 3 in the morning, and conquering every nation they see.. because they see this as a game that they are meant to win. Americans are, far too often, pleased with meager success.

We have Congress who loves discussing red tape more than they like discussing solutions to our problems. Congress recently spent at least 5 days discussing whether or not to change the name of their subforum on the eUSA forum. By the way, they just voted to change it.. not even coming up with a suitable name. It just signifies the problems our nation goes through. We're more eager to play make-believe Senator and partisan politics than we are to sacrifice ourselves to stop a PTO. We've lost South Africa and we nearly lost Spain. Do you know what happens if we lose Spain?



America, we can still fix this What do we have to do?

1. Urge your local Senator (Hey, I'm one too!!!) to take a breather and realize they aren't real life Senators. We don't have to worry about protocol and all that jazz.. let's have some meaningful discussions on bettering the country. You know, like recent Weapons Company Restructure Proposals, or discussing MPP's before voting on them?

2. Realize that, if we want to be successful, we have to throw morals out the window. If you want to live an e-life of semi-successful ventures and never amounting to anything as a nation, we can continue as we're doing. If we want to be successful, we're going to have to throw our little book of morals out the window. Indonesia PTO's a nation every month.. we need to be doing the same. That means you may not get to vote at home.. I'm sorry.

2.b Sign up for the Flying Unicorns PTO Force: [url=http://][/url]

3. Sit back, relax, and recognize this is, above all else, a game. A game. Let's have some fun!

Tradition Pictures

Okay, today's picture is a special one.




I present you

Why so serious?