Ambassador to Slovenia: War against Italy, news, MM action

Day 1,791, 07:45 Published in Switzerland Serbia by Hoffman12

Hello Switzerland 🙂

As you know, I am the Ambassador to Slovenia and I will present you this country in a couple of articles. At the end, you will probably know everything not only about politics in Slovenia, government of Slovenia, Slovenian military, friendship of Slovenia, but also some funny and interesting facts about this Central Europe Country.

I published a couple of articles about Slovenia some time ago.
You can find links to them at the end of this article.

In this article I am going to present you current position of Slovenia.
We will be talking about war against Italy too.

Macedonians has “lost” a RW in Liguria against Italian Resistance Force. Slovenians found here great chance to propose a law about Natural Enemy (Italy).

Slovenian has attacked Liguria as soon as possible. The result was very positive.

Slovenia found new resource in this region – Fish. Now they have 6 different resources.

A lot of people wondering nowadays what will happen with Slovenia in the future. They have a lot of meetings with foreign Country Presidents and Ministries of Foreign Affairs. In Central Europe there is lots of undefined situations about allies and that is the main reason why Slovenians do not know what to do. You will be up to date with every change.


Yesterday I published an article about MM action in Slovenia. They offered me to be a part of it. If you are Swiss and you have newspaper then you can join into Slovenian MM action. Just copy that link and paste it to your URL box. Then fill the boxes.

Form is in Slovene language so I will help you how to fill it correctly.
In first box enter your eRepublik Nick. (ex: hoffman12)
In second box enter your Newspaper Name. (ex: Free eSwitzerland)
In third box enter your Newspaper Link. (ex:

Do not refill again if you have already filled your data in.

This is everything for now. Subscribe on my newspaper and be up to date.

Ambassador to Slovenia
War against Italy, news, MM action

hoffman12, Ambassador to Slovenia

Previous Articles of Ambassador to Slovenia:
Basic Information:
Information About Government in September:
Information About Government in October:
Important Information for Switzerlan😛
Slovenian Players + Interview with CP: