Always Screwing Up What He Believes In...

Day 1,736, 21:12 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Dear Americans and Rick Von Ruger,

Tonight I was supposed to be writing an article about a fictionalized Seal Team 6 battle. Instead I now find that my call is for the top of the top five.
So now I will write to you, I shall not choose Ronald Reagan pics, I will give you different pics of people and a different style. I will not lure you with pictures of small elephants either.

I warn you unlike Ajay my pictures will probably not have a damn thing to do with patriotism or this article.

A long, long, (and did I mention long?) time ago (before the music died) there was a man. A peon so to speak. Of course we all start out as peons in this game, and that's totally fine in my experience because we all need to be the low guys and gals that make up erep.
He was an impostor, someone we didn't quite understand, someone we didn't know and someone we thought was normal.

He probably reminded us of...

Well anyway like all major pains he needed a platform. He needed a reason, it would've been that the sky is blue and he would shout the sky is red.
Of course the first thing that person would do is gather those who cannot see yet and convince them the sky is red in order to start war between the blue-seeing people.

I suppose after a night of perusing the CvP forums or looking at suggestive Michelle Bachmann pics he saw a banner ad for erepublik.

The following brought to you by The Oatmeal probably resembled this:

When Ajay saw the banner ad...replace Game of Thrones with CPAC.

After banner ad in which Ajay Bruno/Ronald Gipper Reagan clicked become a citizen...

Now let's cut to the chase, let's skip to the loo, let's make a baby, and let's see what is over the horizon.
Trouble was brewing.

See the trust is everything you read about standing up for what you believe in is total trash. Rubbish and very much a dustpan full of it.

Totally unrelated person/quote time... He is one of my favorite authors btw, I have Full Dark No Stars sitting on my floor right now.

Anyway, standing up for what you believe in is fine. Of course I suppose we can always take the idea that to the victors go the spoils. One could ask what would life be if we lost WW2.
Hitler would be the most famous man in history and millions would cry over his legacy.
Well ok...that statement has some truth already...nothing to see here just me stalling for bad writing.

RGR is simply put the loser in history, so were the Germans, so is Osama, and etc..etc...
Just because they lost doesn't make them right. We knew they were bad and so did they. The difference is we wanted them to lose even more then they wanted to win.
I write in erep/RL parralels so all of the red sky people can get it.
Ajay Bruno/Winston Churchill/Barnabas Stinson/Gen. Cartman Lee/RGR are all the same person. Just a different avatar.

Anyway, please don't be like my father in real life. He would tell me that he was always right, mom was wrong, brother was wrong, sister was wrong, in fact the whole damn nation was probably wrong but daddy dearest was of course correct.

When almost 99% of the people agree on something, when their logic is sound, and when you closely examine the 1% who disagree you will find your answer.
(I in no way endorse the Occupy movement in case you were about to start jumping for joy)

Well anyway, that's all for now. Wish me luck, I now work at a place called The College Store and there's a lot of fabulous people there. I'll get that Seal Team 6 story out this week. And remember...

Oh and America...