All Our Regions Back the Old Fashion Way

Day 2,130, 20:45 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

The war module is over for us because we have gotten a NAP with Spain. No worries though, 40 people get to play congressman, so all is not lost.

I have argued since Spain’s first NAP offer we should take it. Our most vocal citizens declared they would rather light themselves on fire then ever except a NAP unless it meant all of Canada’s territories. It took 7 more months of “wipe” for people to finally agree to a NAP. Mostly because most the “fire burners” had left the country by then and those in charge actually decided to take charge for once.

The NAP to me was never an end. It was a strategic move until something significant happened and we got a chance to get all our regions back. Our goal has always been to get all our regions back.

Now I read people want us to get our regions back by joining ACT/TWO. To me this means we will have to suck Spain’s tiny member for months, if not years. If we do a good job, they might just grant us our regions back.

Our very country that swore we would never accept a NAP without all our regions being included, now acts as if the NAP is the most precious thing in the world. We should of took the NAP after month 1.

The NAP should not be seen as an end, but the beginning of us getting all our regions back. We are finally in the same alliance as the rest of North America. There is a direct war between Spain and the USA about to begin.

Just 30 days ago we would of given our eye teeth for this to happen. Now we all stand back protecting our precious NAP that most of us swore, we would never accept in the first place.

Now, I certainly do not think it would be in our interest to violate our NAP, but for crying out loud, this is a war game. We finally have some allies that can hit hard.

I for one, am not going to be sucking anyone’s tiny member to get our regions back. I'm going to help our allies, and see where the chips fall.

The MPP’s are in place, the NE’s have been declared. There is nothing anyone can do to change that. I don’t care what our government or the rest of you decide. I'm fighting for our allies, our friends, our brothers. I want our regions back the old fashioned way, not by sucking d……