alimilano for cp

Day 1,347, 10:48 Published in Singapore Croatia by Grof Dubrovnik

Hmm, cant say I'm joining race for cp because i'm only candidate supported from other our parties (not count ptoed parties) so hope i become president walking xD. This will be only article about my candidature, i dont wanna write books about this, rather prefer work.
OK, some facts, goals, plans short

About me
My name is alimilano.
I am from Croatia.
As of Day 1,346 I am 560 days old.
I have lived in eSingapore since August 26th 2010.(11 months)
I have been a party president 2 times.(one time in croatia)
I have been in congress 6 times (7 runs).
I have strength 5588 (highest in eSingapore).
I am the current president of Singapore Republican Party.
I'm currently MoS (Minister of Security) of eSingapore.
I have been the MoD (Minister of Defense) previous month.
I have 26 companies.
I have rank Supreme Marshal*.
I'm very active player

My Goals (in order of importance)
1) Continue politics where eSingapore is neutral country
2) Secure eSingapore from PTO attempts
3) Increase activity of our citizens
3) Strengthen our military and expand its size
4) Increase activity of our media
5) Sign 1 or 2 MPP with friendly countries
6) Continue with giving free supplies to eSG soldiers
7) Publish eSG security and Immigration policy.

My Team
Most of current gvt members will continue their work but how some older members of our community need rest we will present some new faces.Names of all gvt members will be published soon.

Activity - Biggest problem of eSingapore is the lack of activity, If we solve this, everything will be easier to advance, economy, military etc...Media will take a crucial importance. Periodic Presidental Reports, eWorld reports made by MoI, education articles made by MoEd, Games and contests made by MoC etc...

Military - Strengthen our military and expand its size. As we now have MPP with 2 EDEN countries, next month we will try sign MPP with 1 or 2 ONE countries or eventualy with neutral countries.Plan is to put some hospitals in Singapore City to improve defense of our country.

Security - Plan is to take back control of 2 our PTOed parties (Birthday Party and WFS party). Secure congress elections and get rid of PTOers from our country. In this we need help from every eSG citizen, every vote is very important.

Economy - We will continue protect eSG businessmans and our MoE Carballo will continue with his reform.

Foreign Affairs - Curent team will continue with efforts to make good contact an relations with all eworld countries.

Immigration - I preparing new immigration policy. In short i want see in eSG 2-3 active players from every erep country.

Thanks for reading and Best Regards,
Minister of Security and President Candidate, August 2011.