ADP - Senate elections

Day 2,401, 03:09 Published in Australia Australia by Send love to Plato

G'day Aussies,

Well I would just like to personally thank all the Australian Democratic Party members who voted for me in the party President elections, it was a actually a good turn out of 50% which isn't bad for a big party in a dead political scene. Thank you.

So what do I have planned for this month? Well I am looking for active party officers, so if you want a role and are looking for something extra to do then why not send me a PM and we'll get you hooked up. More Importantly the weekly food drops will begin this week, obviously at the minute Government work is taking all my time today but it will begin this get your food bowls ready.

Finally and more crucial to eAustralia, we can start planning for the senate elections on the 25th of June. So if you want a shot at being a Senator then add your name to the list on the party page, however as Party President i have the power to decide who goes where on that candidates list and i will be deciding it by activity...

One thing I am not going to do is send semi-active or inactive members to senate. Oh No. I want people who want to help take this country forward and start making it active and a hub of activity again. I honestly don't care if we are friends, if I don't think you will benefit eAustralia for those 28 days then you'll be at the bottom of the list.

We are Australia's biggest party and if you do wish to represent us in senate then i will not send you there uninformed if it is your first or second time. We will have an open PM between all Senators so you can ask questions if you need help or advice so you will have experience to hand to call upon if you need it. If rogue and hurtful proposals are made in senate by any ADP members then i will personally ensure you will not get towards the top of the list again, this is something eAustralia has worked hard towards and I will not see it used as an excuse for someone to press buttons for the fun of it or to settle personal disputes etc etc. Appreciate your senate because in eAustralia they are hard to come by...This may sound harsh and i don't mean it to be but the huge amount of effort to get Australia back on the map shouldn't be wasted by parties just sending old players to senate who aren't even active and are wasting a senate seat, or new players who are abandoned and not even offered words of advice. A country without senate dies and a country that wastes and abuses a senate deserves to die out...i want neither for eAustralia which is why I didn't jump ship to play ''that other game'' because things weren't going our way. No, i stayed and fought and damned straight I am going to make senate full of active ADP senators.

Stay classy and get your name down by the 23rd of June as the list for applicants closes on the 24th.