ADP - free food to members

Day 2,403, 03:50 Published in Australia Australia by Send love to Plato

G'day Aussies,

Well today is the day of the promised food supplies to you wonderful Australian Democratic Party members, so comment below and you will receive a free gift of 200 Q5 food. What you choose to do with it is down to you, you can use it, sell it or simply donate it to an elderly neighbour who can't afford much due to her meagerly pension...then when she goes to consume it then take it back off her to teach her a valuable life lesson.

The food drops will continue to be weekly because we at the ADP want to help you as much as possible, to invest in you so to speak. Because as you grow then eAustralia grows and we all benefit from that.

Before I go on about the senate elections on the 25th, may i also remind you that Party officer positions are available. Now people won't be picked on merit or just added as officers...we want people who want to get involved no matter what your experience or level so use it as a learning curve for your journey onto bigger and better things in eRepublik. So let me know if you want a party role and we'll get you started...

Now remember that I have to choose the order of candidates for senate on June 24th, which means the list will be please put your name down by the 23rd of June if you wish to be in senate. A PM will be sent out on the 24th which you can use to ask questions, it is basically a private PM where you can be confident to ask for help and advice without worrying about coming off as a ''noob'', we were all first time senators once so we really do want to help you settle into senate. The list will be determined by activity and I can not express how passionate I am about this new senate because I have been one of a team that has poured a lot of time and effort into getting this and you can be damned sure that this party will not be just promoting figures to senate unless they are active and sensible.

Also remember our forum section is up and running so please visit the official forums and use them, this is where senate will be homed as well as a joint in-game PM.

We finally have a secure senate region, use it, appreciate it and value it people because this is a new and glorious chapter in eAustralian history...and don't forget to log on and vote for ADP on Wednesday June 25th.