Acceptance of Office

Day 778, 05:30 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I would like to take this opportunity to thank eSouth Africa for putting their trust in me. It will be an honour to serve this country that I have been involved with for so long.

I have been thinking hard about how I will be as a president. How will I lead in a way that effectively benefits the country? I believe that a great leader has the sense to pick good people to do what he wants then has the restraint to keep him from meddling while they do it. I want this to be my motto during my term. eSouth Africa has so many great people that are willing to work flat-out to get a job done. It is with this in mind that I have restructured the way that ministries are run. Ministries will now have greater powers to choose their own structure. A ministry will now consist of various departments. It is my hope that each ministry will develop these and choose good people be direct each department. If a Minister feels that there is a need to add new departments, or reform old ones he has the power to do so with presidential approval. The new structure should hopefully mean less practical work for Ministers allowing them to focus on developing their Ministries more effectively.

I will also be changing the way that the Military is structured from a Governmental point of view. The Ministry of Defense existed alongside the South African Armed Forces. I believe that there is a duality here as each entity needs better definition. So, during my term the Minster of Defense will head up SAAF. The old Ministry of Defense will become the Ministry of Military Development. This Ministry will be tasked with the developing the entire population in a military sense while the SAAF will focus purely on serving men and woman within the ranks of our military. I hope that more and more people will become aware of the military through this initiative and get involved. This will hopefully increase the population’s activity and make the country more attractive to immigrants.

There is a lot more to explain but those are some of the major changes that I wish to effect. That means that there will be a much smaller cabinet that encompasses all aspects of eSouth African life. My cabinet will be made up of the following:

* Vice President
* Minister of Finance
* Minister of Trade
* Minister of Information
* Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Minister of Social Development
* Minister of Security
* Minister of Military Development
* Minister of Defense

I will announce my cabinet throughout the course of today or tommorow as not all have accepted yet.


Mark Morcom