About the increment of the new raw system

Day 1,106, 18:56 Published in Hungary Poland by AThompson

This is an article about the big countries in the eWorld which lost grain region in the new raw system and about the big picture of resources in this countries.

There's a chart what I'm using continously in the article, please make a friendship with it, it's very useful. I made it with one of my friends vasmegye. And I think it's still unique, since there's isn't any detialed chart like this.
Here you can view it.

Why it’s the grain so important? Because it is still remains one of most valuable resource in the New World.

The following countries lost its grain region in the new raw system:

Argentina, Estonia, Russia, Hungary, Serbia, Germany, Netherlands Turkey and United Kingdom

6 of this 8 countries are in the TOP 10 Phoenix countries and in the TOP 20 countries in the world ( the TOP 10 EDEN countries lost 4). Yes it’s about Phoenix. Yeah I know it’s demagogue, but the opposing of the two alliances what fules this game. There’s a bipolar alliance system since 2008/2009, this is a sad fact, but this is the situation. Now the new raw distribution clearly doesn’t favour one side.

Why it’s so important?

Because of two things:

1. All of the grain companies has a +25% bonus on their worker’s productivity if they’re in a country with grain region. It means if they aren’t then they’re producing 25% less than the companies with the bonus. It means if we want to produce x units of grain in Hungary, or in Serbia we have to work 25% more than the same company in the USA or in Croatia. This - in a long period - gives a big advantage, because

2. The biggest grain producers of the alliance was Brazil, France, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Russia and Turkey. They had to create a lots of grain companies because they must feed their population. In the V2,5 ( new wall module) the grain became the most valuable resource in the eRepublik, since in the continuous state of war, you must fight as economical as you can, so we had to defend high grain regions, because if we lost one the price of the food hitted the stars in a few days.

Hungary and Serbia based its economy on the high grain regions, since they don't have any other high region.

Now the developers changed the productivity formula too and in the grain companies we’re producing 50% less then before. Yes they’ve also added +25% for the grain region, but Serbia, Brazil and Turkey don’t have grain. So now if they want to produce x units of grain they have to work two times more.

Serbia has : 50% of grain production than before.
Hungary has : 62.5% of grain production than before.
Brazil has : 62.5% of grain production than before.
Russia has : 62.5% of grain production than before.

Romania has : 62.5% of grain production than before.
Poland has : 62.5% of grain production than before.
Croatia has : 62.5% of grain production than before.
USA has : 62.5% of grain production than before.

If we compare the TOP 10 EDEN and Phoenix countries we see that the EDEN is more strong in raws, even with Ukraine occupied.
Let’s see.

In EDEN there are 4 countries which have grain and the +25% bonus with it. In the Phoenix there’s 3, and Hungary has grain just because of the occupied regions of Ukraine.
The bigger problem that in the EDEN all the really big countries (Romania, Poland, Croatia, USA) have one grain region, while in the Phoenix the two biggest countries don’t have grain on its original territory.

In the grain industry the TOP 10 Phoenix countries has an overall bonus of +75% (+25% from Ukraine), which is quite low, and EDEN has +100% good.

If we check the iron resources we’ll see that there’s a assembled situation. In EDEN there are just 5 countries with iron, but in the Phoenix there’s 7. In the EDEN Spain is the biggest country who have an iron region, and a lots of medium (China) or small (Finland) country received one.

In the iron industry the TOP 10 Phoenix countries has an overall bonus of +175%, which is quite fine, and EDEN has +125%, which is not bad either.

If we’re comparing the manufacturing corporation’s bonuses we see a different situation.
The TOP 10 countries of Phoenix has an overall bonus on weapon production of +110%, EDEN has +95%, this is a little difference.


The TOP 10 countries of Phoenix has an overall bonus on food production of +120%, EDEN has +160%, and this is a bigger difference.

The most important industries are the following : grain, iron, weapons and food. That’s all what we need to fight.

If we check this industries we get the following result : 480% vs. 470%

This two numbers are fancy, but just don’t contains any useful information. If we want to ponder which alliance is the powerful, then we have to check the numbers listed upper or explore the detailed chart here.

If we see the big picture we can say the following : The Phoenix countries is better in weapons production (and in iron industry) much weaker in food production ( and in grain industry).
So, if I want to make a simple picture I would say, that the Phoenix will fight with weapons and the EDEN will fight with food.

But it’s not this simple, because each country has it’s own economical marks. For example there’s a great manufacturing industry in Hungary and Romania, but they have less raw companies proportionately then Brazil and the U.S.
This top countries have enough companies and strong economy to survive the next few days.

In a medium lenght I count on that every strong country will try to get grain ( if he don’t have one already) and iron and get a large bonus on manufacturing.

For Serbia the grain is in a one-hit distance[/b], since they can attack Oltenia anytime ( as they’re doing it now) or get grain from Croatia. They can get fish and deer regions from Croatia too, but since they holding of the regions will be hard, because of the 0 attack cost and the automatized attacking. I think for Serbia is vital to get colonies as soon as possible.

For Hungary Ukraine is the Garden of Eden.T here’s 5(!) grain regions, 2 fish regions, and 1 saltpeter too. Yes it’s hard to hold it, but it worths every forints. The most important regions for Hungary will be a grain region from Ukraine, probably Sloboda, a fish region probably Zaporozhia and the saltpeter region of Ukraine : Taurida. If Ukraine will have a Pro-EDEN government next month too, it would be Russia who want to conquer a grain region for himself.

But there’s Romania, in a one DoW-distance from the rich country of Ukraine too. I think the main goal of the next Hungarian-Romanian war ( yes there will be one ) will that who’s holding Ukraine? Romania is great in food industry bonuses, but weak in weapon and iron industry bonuses. I think it could be useful for them if they lower the import taxes ( 60% now) on weapons.

What about Poland? He’s fine, thanks. He holds a regions in North America and in Asia. Since there’s no need the hold as many regions as he could - just one from every type - the most of the North American regions are futile. Poland has , grain, fish and deer on its original territory, so they don’t have to hold Idaho, Oregon, South Dakota, Inner Mongolia. If they hold it, that will be for strategic reasons. The two really important colony of Poland is Illinois (oil) and Tennessee (fruits), since they gives 5%-5% to weapons and food industry ( and Illinois gives +25% to oil companies).

Thanks for reading,