A Phoenix's Scattered Ashes; Domestics

Day 1,379, 19:01 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy

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The Beginning; A Doctrine Of Domestics

Occupied NWFP, China. Good morning, gentlemen. This shall be the first of my series on why I, Policy, should be your duly elected leader for the month of September, a whole year from my first term. The series will be titled so, as It's my strong belief that Pakistan is a phoenix whom's ashes are scattered, to be re-born, one day to glory.

Infrastructure: A Standard To Set

For a long time now, we've had no existence ministries, in the sense of Governance. By that, I mean in the sense of Org-Use, Emblems and Official Purpose. It's been mostly the Minister themselves using their personnel newspapers for ministerial purposes and a lot of the time, this carries over where people themselves feel they are empowered, rather than them serving a role in an entity (Pakistan, their Ministry); which helps stroke and inflame egos of us all.

What we need here is a stable base to build on. I plan on creating a set of ministries and entities (for example, Head of Congress), some will be mandatory for each Government by the constitution (further information on this can be found further down) -- to ensure the base minimal productivity of successive Governments.

Pakistan's beta-surviving National Emblem

Developing on this, I plan on having Official Emblems/Logos and other Graphical Work completed for each ministry/entity and a template for their conduct and articles to be made - giving them a professional feel and making their existence as something in themselves more 'real' rather than the property of one man. Each ministry I also hope will have their own set of 'records' / 'documents' relating to them, so it would be easier to pass them onto the next Government without slowing any progress made; I also hope to make them 'static' in the sense that only the Minister will change each month and not the employees.

But, for all this to happen, I must first recover all our national orgs, which will be quite a tall order -- something I did in my previous term but was squandered - along with classified documents, by passing administrations. I hope to make such things a little more public in nature, so that administration's will be scrutinised by both myself and the public for not following suite.

Knowledge Is Power

For the vast majority of Pakistan's history, we have had the lack of a proper retention/education system. As a result of this, new players become lost and confused and lose interest in this game, at a faster rate - we lose any potential players by not having anything in place for them. The important thing to note here is that we do have an influx of players; however small, but we only keep a very, very small amount due to the lack of any infrastructure.

One Pakistan

The 'answer' to this to me, is pretty simple. Tutorials in the (lost) Ministry of Social Affairs Organization will be updated. It will be the job of the Ministry to keep them updated - and publish daily; coupled with a short but informative Welcome Message, with a light sprinkling of links for new players to find helpful information and the like. I'd like to introduce something here that we've been needing for a long time: a tutorial on Dioism, as new players most often hear their first words on Dioism, a neautral tutorial so new players don't get drawn into an ethnic divides.

I will also make sure Citizenship Applications are looked at by the Head of Congress and decided upon, we've missed out on a lot of people by not doing this - and harmed ourselves by not being alerted by PTO attempts.

Unity, Faith, Discipline

Unity is key for Pakistan to progress. If we look at history, especially eRepublik's, the greatest empires have fell from internal strife; and it's something that foreign entities exploit to weaken an enemy (instances of this are happening to Pakistan, from what I've observed).

I will personally set aside any differences and schedule a number of national meetings - hopefully a regular affair - to sooth relations and encourage a true sense of unity between all. There will also be a secret section of the forums where Pakistani Citizen's will only have access, where sensitive discussion can take place - a channel in this regards is already set-up.

Hopefully, the constitution will help in this, by ensuring that their is a collective of people 'in power' and not that one person holds a significant amount of reign. In regards to this, the constitution will also touch on the use of national channels and forums and allow the people of Pakistan to have their say in unfair moderators/actions on them and have them reversed, among other measures.

Political Governing

First off, politics will be 'governed' by the constitution to maintain a healthy political arena that is engaging and not - as the saying goes, a "troll fest". A big part of this will be the forming of political parties where, to have an 'official' party you will need to meet certain criteria such as a minimum number of starting members and a distinct idealogy - this will give the political arena some texture and debate, and stop these "lulz parties" we have now.

Just sitting around isn't productive

Secondly, I'll have the parties that aren't used and are just -there- deleted, as they prove to be a threat PTO wise and don't contribute anything to the country itself and have no actual 'party' - past the game term.

A lot of work will have to be done on this to make the political arena cordial, but I hope I'll be able to put things into pace, in this regard.

The Binding Treaty: The Constitution of Pakistan

For a long time now, Pakistan's been floating domestically - there's nothing there to give a basis to it. We have certain laws and procedures, but nothing concrete and something on which to base our actions on. Due to this, there's been much political and ethnic turmoil over the control of the country over whome controls it, to whom it belongs - past the only answer - the people, in their entirety. All the people, Dioist and Real Life Pakistanis and what-not will be given their representation - as people of this nation, equally.

I myself may draft the constitution with inputs from whomever, I believe it may only be finished in the last days of my term as I will attempt to trigger a lot of debate on the subject; to make sure all people are catered for and nobody is left out. People will be free to contribute and submit their own bits-and-bobs and suggestions as it will belong to the people of Pakistan and them alone, not to any one person or entity.

We, the Pakistani People

As for politics, I hope to include an amendment/legislation to manage our parties. Perhaps the most needed and controversial being that parties being officially recognized, where they must meet a certain set of criteria - this will ensure only serious parties exist, and not the "lulz" type, we have a lot of currently. I hope this will give us something more compact in terms of politics where we'll have a realistic debate between people of different ideas and ideals.

This article in itself is long enough and the constitution deserves an article of its own but I hope I've covered some of the interesting points here. I'm also beginning to form a Impeachment Procedure and a set of Congressional Procedures.


Yours sincerely,

Oh, I'll be having ministers have individual goals and progress reports
Oh, I'll be implementing a lot more than this
Oh, I'll be creating a Troll Squadron If you're all good
Oh, I'll be officially wearing a top hat and monocle everywhere