A new face running for Senate in Tasmania

Day 1,586, 21:29 Published in Australia Australia by DraimAlexander

Since I arrived in eRepublik (and eAustralia) the political element of the game has been an interesting one. War and battle are important but in the end it is how people interact with each other for better or worse.

Playing in the game can be fun but reading through the forums (and responding where it makes sense) and interacting on IRC is really where you get drawn in and feel a part of the community. Because of that I feel i'm ready, if you'll take me, to take another step and take part in the eAustralia Senate.

Some of you have seen what I've shared on the forums or on IRC but many, I understand, have not and even those who have may not know me well enough yet. I'm happy to answer questions and even if I don't make it during this run I'll be around and likely try again in a month 🙂. What I can tell you is what you can expect:

[*]Loyalty to eAustralia: This is my home and no matter what happens everything I do will be aimed at protecting and supporting eAustralia. Most especially against any external threat to try and attack us or our allies (but we come first).

[*] Accessibility and Availability: I am online essentially non stop. I work in front of a computer at a place that would never even question that I glance through new forum changes regularly (best way to stay caught up).

[*] Honest and candid responses: I will never hold back because I'm worried what people will think. If I think something needs to be said or acted upon then I will say it. I have a heavy tendency to be transparent and make sure everyone sees something and unless a topic needs to be private for security reasons I will do so. Even then I will push to be as transparent as we can.

[*] No political animosity: Our community and senate certainly has it's share of political tension both understandable and silly. I will always make sure that you know if I disagree and why (including if I disagree strongly) but I will never attack someone personally. If someone is trying to troll it will just feed them and if they aren't it will just push them to the extremes.

[*] Always Listen: This is related to the political animosity point above. No matter how many disagreements we have or how much we dislike our mutual decisions I also promise to always listen. I will always listen and think about the points made and the logic (or emotion) behind other people's statements and will do so before making a final decision (even if that means I have to back off a choice or decision I've already made).

Hoping to see you in the coming election (and beyond),

James (Draim)