A Chirp on Alliances and the ILP

Day 2,016, 19:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Gerald Smyth

This is my little brief chirp on the alliances in eRepublik.

I haven't found one I really like.

Asgard seemed like a good idea a while back. From what I hear they kind of snubbed us. So I'm not so sure what the situation is there.

CoT has always itched me the wrong way. I've warmed up more since EDEN collapsed. But we have no real, longtime allies in the alliance if I recall correctly. I also don't think too many people expect it to last very long.

NaN sounds pretty good in theory but it needs time to grow. There is also the fear they may get not-so-not-aligned and put Ireland in a sticky position.

And TWO actually seems like it is a stable alliance (at least from what I have seen). But we have enemies and Ireland has a very good reputation for being loyal to their friends so maybe TWO is a no.

Interested in hearing your guys in comments.


This presidency has been questionable to say the least. But Ireland overall has been very inactive.

I also have some reservations about the ILP. Ireland's most trusted and largest party has been (at the harshest) confused. Raven is doing a great job as President. And as a member of the ILP Leadership Board, I can assure you we are functioning with Ireland's best intention with daily conversations.

However, with WHS' hiatus, the ILP Leadership Board has dwindled from like six people during my first term as ILP Party President to like three people. Although we need to be cautious not to have another invasion, I feel we have lost our flare of democracy.

Ireland overall has been very boring and uneventful. With Argentina we grew a very strong nation but when CUA abruptly fell a part, the British slapped us across the face.

I feel the ILP needs another reformatting.
I feel Ireland needs another reformatting.

As such I have composed some basic demands from the Irish Citizen:

1.) We need livelihood and active players.
2.) We need a strong backbone of support of foreign allies.
3.) We want the people in charge.
4.) We want government leaders to be active and held accountable.
5.) We want cooperation and involvement from our political parties and political leaders.

Thoughts comments and concerns below.