(WSR RSW) Western Siberia Region- Resistance War declaration

Day 707, 05:03 Published in Russia Romania by 8-3=1

"3. Румыния предлагает помочь России получить обратно исконные русские земли, занятые на данный момент Венгрией и Индонезией."

These words were published more than one month ago, as part of the Romanian-Russian manifesto.

Now the time has come to make some proof of our commitment. And we will do so.

Unfortunately the political situation in Russia is not very clear at the moment and there is some internal turmoil. As part of this some people agree that Romanian help is welcome, some don't.

As a sign of our goodwill, we will be sending a small number of elite troops to fight RED in WSR. This is just a sign of goodwill and not more; we do not want to offend neither of the Russian opinions on our involvement and we do not know yet what will be the response from Russian side to such move. Romania official position will be hopefully clarified very soon, but this depends also on the Russian official position.

I sincerely hope this is a step forward for closing Russian-Romanian war and for further cooperation.


Romanian Ambassador in Russia