[USWP] Delyruin for Party President: Working Today for a Better Tommorow

Day 2,120, 00:29 Published in USA USA by Delyruin

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Delyruin, when I rejoined the USWP in January this year I got straight to work. I have done many thing these past months including Senator, Commander, and Vice Party President. Now I ask for the ultimate promotion: Party President.


My plan for the USWP is twofol😛 Firstly, create a official party goverment that can manage this party well. In my experiance USWP Leadership organization tends to be haphazard, I mean to change that: give our leadership order and structure. I will do this by creating the best USWP cabinet in months, dividing up responsibilities to the people fit to do them, and holding them accountable for failings.

The second part of this plan is that my PPship will focus on our parties members themselves(you!). For to long our base has been ignored...uninformed. I will change that with new Mass Messaging and Media programs aimed at informing our members of important news and announcements.

Ideas are all well and good but what really matters are the people who will get this done. You already know me, allow me to introduce the rest:

Vice Party President: Gnilraps

Gnilraps is a old soul who has done it all, Party President, Commander, Senator, you name it. His wealth of first hand experiance will be extremely useful in the coming month.

Director of Internal Affairs: irule777

As long time Secretary of the Interior, there is no better man for the job. His experiance as SoI will be a perfect assistant as he helps breathe new life into the USWP through DoIA news and announcements.

Director of Media: Dauntless2000

Media has been lacking in recent months,but Dauntless2000's Media department will be reponsible for putting an end to that. Dauntless(with contributions from the cabinet) will be publishing a USWP Update atleast once a week for you to read.

Director of Political Affairs; WildOwl

Our elections will be managed by none other than our current Party President, WildOwl. He has led us well these past two months and I know he will succeed in his new role.

Director of Recruitment: (TBD)

I have yet to find the right person to fill this post, if you think you have what it takes shoot me a PM!

With this team I know this term will be a success, and I would love your support to allow me the oppurtunity to serve. :3


If any of you want to help you party feel free to send me or my cabinet a PM, there is always work.

Proud to be USWP!