The FALL of one eRUSSIAN LEADER ! (Mombassa's story)

Day 413, 03:40 Published in Russia Romania by XtaSia
*Anthem playing*

Comrades !

(with moistened eyes he beggins...)

Today 6 January 2009, day 413 of the New Wolrd, Russia was DEFEATED ! Soon our dear Russia will be erased from the map .....
Russian ! THE ROMANIAN FILTH beat us ! We were stabbed ! They were smarter (then me)!
(Mombassa cries)

*Audience cheering while shouting: MOMBASSA, MOMBASSA, MOMBASSA!*

Now my dream to become next president of Russia is GONE ! They killed my dream !
The worst and most repugnant filth has put their hands upon our motherland! No more Soviet dream for us !

(Mombassa removes his tears)

*Audience cheering while staring astonishing at the nukes and the hundreds of thousands conscripts marching while shouting M-M-Mombassa, M-M-Mombassa*

Comrades maybe you believe that I can do something for Russia now, but the truth is that I can`t do anything! (I`ve never could) ... I want to make a confession now, I`ve never wanted too much from RUSSIA, I just wanted to built my political career... I didn`t care too much about russians citizens...

(moment of silence, someone throws something in Mombassa, and in few seconds everyone is throwing things )

COMRADES ! STOP ! It`s not my fault for what`s happening now !

(moment of silence again, the crowd listens)

COMRADES! The guilty one is CREOS ! IF he woudn`t candidate I will sure got more votes than the current president ! HE`s GUILTY for what happend to my dream today... pff sorry, I mean for MY country !

*Audience is confused*

RUSSIAN I know what I promised to you few days ago ... :
"As the new Commissar of Defense I'll organize and build up a Soviet Army, an army which will work against imperialism and for the revolutionary class struggle in all countries! Commanders will be appointed and divisions created and gift and weapon distribution will be established."

yes, I failed...

*the crowd becomes nervous, they scream , they throw things...*

(Mombassa worried for his life runs to his car... but too late.. the crowd gets him and..... )