[TemujinCP] Legend of Canada: Lhasa Battalion *FREE BP GIVEAWAY*

Day 3,397, 21:22 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

Greetings fellow Canadians,

As you may have already heard, Your fearless and buttificent President has attained the rank of Legend of Canada. It's been a long time coming and to celebrate I've decided to give away some swag.

This contest is open to all Canadians citizens regardless of age, rank or division.

*All Canadians who post a comment below will receive a sexy gift*

There will be additional rewards given to five lucky Canadians:

First Prize will be a free Blitzkrieg or Maverick Pack.
Second Prize will be 25,000 CC
Third Prize will be 1000 Q7 Tanks
Fourth Prize will be a set of steak knives.
Fifth Prize will be a picture of Little Temmy's Butt.

The Top Five prizes will be randomly drawn.


In other news,Loolie Drea is in line to be the next SG of the Orion Alliance. A meeting was held today with several representatives of member nations (including yours truly) and it was a unanimous decision.


The Serbian and Romanian resets have gone (largely) according to plan. I was a little late pressing the button a couple days ago but we were quickly put back on track. Mad props to those of you who coordinated and fought to maintain a smooth reset.

That's about all for now. I'll announce and award the winners of the prize packs before the time expires on the Pack deals.

Good luck.

Hugs and Kisses,


PS Obligatory Little Temmy pic: