[TemujinCP] An Outrageous Outrage

Day 3,398, 16:50 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

Greetings fellow Canadians,

I'm furious.

An outrageous outrage has been perpetrating against our nation by our so called "guzica friends" in Serbia:

In what can only be described as a violation of the our rental agreement, the dictator of Serbia pierrotmon has attacked Manitoba.

As you can see from this totally real screenshot of a super secret conversation between Serbian leaders (and several others), pierrotmon planned this attack from the very beginning. Now I'm willing to ignore his poor laundry habits and his rather admirable appreciation of hairy butts, but I cannot stand to see Manitoba treated this way.

In order to atone for this terrible, awful no-good deed, The Government of Canada demands and insists upon an additional 69 CC in rental fees per month going forward.

Should the Dictatorship of pierrotmon refuse to make amends for his horrible behaviour, I shall have no choice but to send my finest troops into Belgrade.

Led by Chopp dks, of course.

The choice is yours, pierrotmon. You have 48 hours to decide!

Hugs and Kisses,


PS I'm just kidding bro
PPS Please don't wipe us.
PPPPS Seriously though, please don't wipe us