[TAD]Just a random article

Day 1,477, 10:21 Published in Australia Lithuania by Oskar Schell

I am completely bored happy!

So, let's get straight. I have to make you bored happy too.

Let's get a list of the most boring funniest random pictures chosen by me.




We all love Australia, don't we? Hmmm... Okay... Not funny yet already?... Let's keep trying.


I don't know what's so funny in this pic... LOOL. LOok at that guy.


Oh... I see you all have died from boredom... NOW,

For Australian News, the news are the following: Weather is ... Good. Have a good... Night.... D-d-d-d-day night.... *looks at the camera*. Ooops. Sorry for random article, I'm just bored 😃