[Speaker] 10th - 14th March Session

Day 3,401, 10:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Afternoon you lovely bunch of coconuts.

Here's another update from Congress, with the latest votes going down and the discussions taking place in the messages.

First up was a rehash of the import tax on housing vote. This time we were voting on a reduced 5% level of import tax and it was passed 19-15. Hopefully after a few weeks we should be able to see the impact of this change and Huey will be able to give us an update too.

eBelgium also got in touch last week asking if we would consider a MPP with them. Huey mentioned this in his last update and because it was much more of a sentimental MPP than a militarily useful one, cash was raised privately to fund this.

The MPP vote passed easily 22-6.

We've also voted to MPP with our buddies eSpain again, the vote passing easily, 28-2.

Other than that, there was a random vote to increase the VAT on food from 1% to 2% which was soundly voted down 21-5, but nothing of any real note since then.

Discussion in the Congress messages has mainly flowed around the recent votes and the odd mention that we should send in an air strike somewhere.

If you have anything you want to be brought to the attention of Congress, either message me or write a comment below.

Thanking you kindly,

Speaker of the eHouse of Commons