[Socialist Revolution] End of an Era - Beginning of a Revolution

Day 2,065, 12:06 Published in Australia Norway by Major Lee Hung

Hello comrades,

End of an Era

Thanks for an amazing two terms!

I set out to achieve much of what I aimed for in the first term, and a couple of weeks in to the second term.
-Massive growth, seeing us secure #3 for a significant amount of time.
-Facilitating in 2 communist and 4 socialists getting in to congress to represent the Red Team.
-Bringing in a number of active citizens from allied nations, breathing a little more life in to a declining nation.
-Rolling out a huge commune & supply system for socialist eAustralians.
-Paving the road for the future of the revolution.

None of this would have been possible without those of you who got behind the party. It was you who turned a simple idea in to a political force; it was you who toiled and laid the tracks for the train that is the Revolution.

I thank you all, and I encourage you to keep it up. Keep the fire in your hearts burning, keep on pushing for the top.

Not So Great Things

Just like my term, I'm going to end this section on a negative!

The following have been the result of my recent inactivity, for which I must apologise:
-Stalling growth in both party numbers & the socialist programs.
-Planned policies yet to be released.
-Community programs struggling to take off.
-Dwindling numbers over the last few days as eDying citizens haven't been replaced with active ones.

For this reason, I chose not to run in yesterday's election. The party needs new blood to keep pushing.

Beginning of a Revolution

Congratulations to Arthur Cole on your election to Party President!

We had a relatively decent turnout for a Party President election, and it's my hope that all candidates from yesterday will one day run again.

The opportunity for a completely fresh leadership and a restructure to the organisation of the party were vital to ensuring our long-term goals can be achieved. A party would never progress if it's old members continued to rule - it would merely fall behind the times.

I'm going to be taking a very different role within the party now. I'll be dealing solely with the internal things of the party; community, supplies, communes, assisting members.

I hope you will all support Arthur this term in making it the party's greatest term yet. It's time for us to finally achieve something.

Final Notes

We still have around $11,500 worth of donations that I'm holding. The communes and supplying I'm going to continue funding for myself. The donations we receive should probably be used in a scheme to benefit the party and wider eAustralia, rather than feeding through back to individuals via the communes.

Here's a few ideas for the money:
-Donations to Centrelink?
-Increased supply system?
-Open commune system to new members?
-Party funded MU?
-Nation-wide event?

Post more of your ideas in the comments! 🙂 The more the better.

Thanks for reading, and again, thanks for a great two terms!
-Joshua Whelan