[Shithole Index] The Shithole Index of eUK CP Candidates [March 2013]

Day 1,930, 04:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

Welkome to The Shithole Index [TSI], the system was designed for eNations, but working my magick, I have successfully converted it to work on players. So from now on, every month The Shithole Index [TSI] timetable will look like this:

1st of Month - Global Rankings.
3rd of Month - eUK CP Candidates. (I am considering doing other eNations, but would be too time consuming to do them all)
16th of Month - eUK Party President Winners.
21st of Month - Selected eWorld Player Rankings.
26th of Month - eUK Congress.

Score - This will be important for future statisitics, its pretty much the Raw Universal Index Number [RUIN].

Points - The Standard Index Number [TSIN] of the eUK Country President Candidate, this is a developed number of how much a shithole the eUK Country President Candidate is.

So; Officially, The Shithole Index [TSI] supports CptCharzard for Country President of the eUK based on the fact, that his statistics show he clearly is the biggest Shithole of the selection of running candidates.

However; even though he has the official support of The Shithole Index [TSI], we don't like to leave people feeling dishearted about not 'winning'. So therefore: we wont make you vote anyone, vote none of above as they say. Just vote this article and we shall say no more about it.

Now to explain what The Shithole Index [TSI] shows and how its worked out, and why its nothing but correct.

How it is worked out:

There is a 300 step calculation that takes into account everything involved with a candidate, including; name, strength, damage, medals, party, military unit, community, articles, newspaper, and so much more.

What it shows:

It shows exactly what it implies in the title; how much a shithole somewhere or someone is.

Why it is correct and is never wrong:

It cannot be wrong, for The Shithole Index [TSI] has been blessed and approved by royalty. King Woldy has given his royal blessing and approval to The Shithole Index [TSI], and we're ever so proud.

This sums up The Shithole Index of eUK Country President Candidates of March 2013, I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed yourselves.

Lots of Love;