[SG] A message from the ONE HQ : Dear American Brothers

Day 1,312, 08:23 Published in Hungary Poland by AThompson

Dear American Brothers,

Today we fought for you to turn the tide of the imperialist, traitorous Canadians, who is were not ashamed to attack in need. We have travelled our armies to help you in need, because we don’t have an MPP with each other. But this will change soon.

We are glad to see that you are joining the Confederacy of Hungarospolandia to bring back democracy to the States.

We will continoue support you against the evil canucks and we will defend you with our own body.

We know that you have a hard time, since your allies are leaving the boat of the TERRA, but don't give up! The ONE is coming with peace in his hands, to give your resources bonuses, calm regions and a lots of Polish articles.



P.S. Don't be afraid, changes come and go, the ONE will be fked hard just like every other alliance. Right now we don't have any serious enemy, but this can change soon, or a bit later, but it surely will. :3