[SentiBank] Western Bank Relaunch

Day 2,080, 14:06 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

Back with a New Name and Logo!

For those of you who remember Western Bank, it was a bank that I launched in the back-end of April offering returns for everybody. It's been around three months since we launched, and investors have made over 100% profit so far in real-terms. Following some consultation with investors, we concluded that this wasn't enough!

It's time for a new brand. A new business model. A new opportunity.


SentiBank will operate differently to Western Bank, though the fundamentals are still there.

SentiBank is for those who like to role-play the economics module. (Or just make extra money!)

After consultation with both past and existing investors & customers, it was concluded that this was the best way to move the bank forward. A total rebrand to go with our new, more efficient operations. All existing shares have been converted in to an equivalent in bonds.

No More Shares

Shares are no longer sold - instead, we offer Bonds. Shares were a huge limitation in our operations. We only ever issued 1,000, all of which were snapped up in a couple of hours. I had dozens of people in the coming days asking to invest, all of whom I couldn't offer shares to due to being sold out.

With bonds, we can scale the business dependent on performance - this gives us the opportunity to raise enough capital to really offer huge returns. This flexibility will be a major boost to our revenue.

Now for the biggest positive: The bonds will never go down in value, I promise that they only ever go up. Unlike shares, they're related to how much your cut makes; not how much it's worth.**

**This doesn't include the high-risk product, more info below.

A Bigger Team

We're planning to expand our operations to maximise profits. Directors will be voted in by investors, each director being allocated some of the investments to give a return to investors, in exchange for a wage. If you'd like to apply to be a director, message me to begin the selection process. 🙂

The additional ideas, resources, infrastructure and assistance we're bringing in will translate directly in to higher profits.

More Investors

As mentioned, our previous downfall was the massive limitation of only ever issuing 1,000 shares. It essentially became an exclusive club in which around two dozen people were actually profiting - though many dozens wanted in. I did manage to double everybody's money in the time since launch (Not including the dividends or eWorld deflation, which bring profits to around 200😵 and we feel we can do way more than double in a 3 month time frame in this new form, with the support of more investors and more ideas.

Bigger Infrastructure

I recently invested heavily myself in to a bigger infrastructure for the bank. More companies, more cash assets to put in myself and the ability to scale the business up or down depending on market needs. Our massive infrastructure, spread across three eRepublik citizens within the current team; makes us collectively one of the (maybe THE!) biggest WRM producers in the eWorld, totaling thousands of gold worth of company assets. Again, this translates directly in to profits.


SentiBank is guaranteed 100% by my own assets. If things start to go wrong, (which is unlikely in the normal bonds!) I can easily refund all investors with their initial investment + some compensation.

I've proven over the last few months that I can be trusted to many, just ask any of our many existing investors & customers for a testimony! I've never defaulted on a payment and have always repaid when requested. Further more, I've given everybody who stayed with me to this point over 100% extra worth of returns. (Up to 200% if you include dividends)

Could your investment bring this in each week?

The New Bonds

You can purchase one of the following:

Premium Bonds

Price: £200 each

These are reserved for long-term customers. (Currently on offer to previous Western Bank customers & investors who now finally have the opportunity to increase their stake)

A significant number are sold already, prior to this official launch.

General Bonds

Price: £100 each

These bonds are the lower risk bonds, and will be used only in activities I know a profit can be turned on. Any number of bonds can be bought.

These are guaranteed against my assets, and are therefore 100% secure.

High-risk Bonds

Price: £100 each

These bonds are exempt from guarantees, are are invested in to higher-risk activities. The return could be massive or tiny. I'll only ever invest in things I personally think can turn a profit. Whether you want to take big risks or not, the choice is yours! Unless you have much money to spare, I'd recommend the General Bonds.

How the Bonds will Work

-You purchase the bonds from me (process below)
-Every Sunday, you're donated the amount your bonds have made. This amount is decided by bank performance.
-Your bond always remains at the price you paid for it, with any earnings going directly to you. To request this money back, simply message me and it will be repaid.

Purchasing Bonds

Simply end me a message with the following:

Bond Type:
Opt-in to the Board of Investors: (Yes or No, see below for more)

I'll reply with the total cost, and once you donate that cost to me I'll add you to the investor list.

Our massive infrastructure now equal your profit, following my move completely away from politics.

Want More Fun in the Economic Module?

Anybody who purchases bonds will be allowed to opt-in to the board of investors, which will be conducted via in-game messages. From here, you can discuss with other investors our direction, find out in real-time what's happening and have a much more hand-on experience of the economic module.

Invest today for big returns tomorrow! We already have a decent portfolio of both investors and our own investments, we now have the opportunity to let those who want to contribute have the ability to contribute. 🙂