[Scottty]Open letter to eIndonesia. Regarding events with eAussie

Day 1,305, 09:10 Published in Indonesia Australia by scottty the NUKE

Hello eIndonesia citizens.

After recent events and lack of communication from myself to the eAustralian congress. The eAustralian congress declared Indonesia as Natural Enemy. This was a mistake on my behalf as I was the Minister of Foreign Affairs for eAustralia and didn't communicate to my people about the deal between myself and your Country President.

But today the eIndonesian government and eAustralian government met together to discuss recent events and a deal/plan for the future.
This was a huge step in mending the hate between our countries.

A draft agreement that will be discussed in both countries congress' can be found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-first-meeting-with-indonesians-1801022/1/20
+ plus that eAustralia will not NE eIndonesia or RW any regions.

For future friendship!
Hail eIndonesia!
Hail eAustralia!

"Congratulations, your citizenship application in Indonesia has been accepted! You now have the right to vote, join a political party and run in elections.Your companies will now receive productivity bonus for resources found in Indonesia."