Day 1,723, 09:58 Published in USA Romania by dragomir ionut

Salutare tuturor !

Toata lumea vrea un media mogul!
Şi, probabil, tu la fel !
De aceea facem medalia - Proiectul Mogul!
Ea se bazează în ajutor reciproc şi este foarte uşor!
Primul lucru ce trebuie sa faci, este sa completati acest formular : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHdTUVRqUUMydGNsVHhTNEZzSUs5amc6MQ
De nu merge copy->paste int-o noua ferestra web.
Şi apoi, vei fi trecut aici;
Ai acces la foaia de calcul, iar apoi vă abonaţi la toată lumea spreedsheet, şi trimite-le un mesaj scris sub numărul. Ei vor subscrie înapoi la tine.
Acest lucru este obligatoriu ! trebuie să vă abonaţi la toată lumea !
Te rog, vot şi aboneaza-te .


EVERYONE wants a Media Mogul!
And probably you too!
That's why I'm making the Media Mogul Medal Project!
It's based in Mutual help and it's really easy!
The first thing you have to do, is complete this form
And then, you'll be signed here;
You access to the spreadsheet, and then you subscribe everyone in the spreedsheet, and you send them a message writing your sub number. They will subscribe back to you.
This is obligatory! you have to subscribe to everyone or they wont subscribe to you!
Please, vote and share, as more people sees this, more subscribers you will get.
Frequently Asked Questions
*People that comes later will have to subscribe to more people?

+No, because people that came before will have to subscribe to them after they receive the message! Everyone gets the same number of subscribers for the same Subscribers sent!