[Referendum] Treasury Gold Investment

Day 2,283, 07:44 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

As you guys might have guessed or at least thought that after the implementation of the new taxation rules in erepublik, all small countries will go broke, our beloved country, eIndia is now broke financially.

Our treasury have only 500g and we have next to 0 income. If you can see the tax page in ‘My Country’ you will see eIndia generates less than 150cc per day as tax and nevertheless to say, a country can’t run with this small amount of tax.
We can’t run wars and worse we can’t sign MPPs with our allies. (Each MPP costs 10Kcc)
We need to go for a alternative sustained source of income, and we need to do it ASAP. And to make things worse, increasing the amount of tax isn’t an option as most part of the tax goes to occupiers.
To solve this problem, some of our older members and guides came up with a great plan, which is, Investing all the gold we have in WRM companies.
Here we are talking about Q3 WRM companies which costs 10g. If built during the 30% RM company discount offer, each will cost 7g.

Now the maths of profit/loss:
Each of the WRM company can produce 250 WRMs if the guy who is maintaining it lives in a 100% bonus country.
Current rate of WRM is 0.06cc and it is like that in last 3 months from when the weekly competition have started.
So, Amount of generated cc in each WRM company per day: (250x0.06) = 15cc
If the Q3 WRM company is dissolved any time, we will get back 5g.
So the original investment (7-5) = 2g = 400cc
To get back 100% ROI in case we are forced to dissolve those RM companies: (400/15) = 26.67 (i.e. approximately 27 days)
After that 27 days if we dissolve it there won’t be any loss and there will be only profit.

Now the alternate scenario: (i.e. we do not dissolve the companies)
Then ->
The original investment: 7g = 1400cc
To get back 100% ROI we nee😛 (1400/15) = 93.33 (i.e. approx 94 days)
So, After 94 days there be only profit.

We have 500g.
So, we can make a total of (500/7) = 71 Q3 WRM companies
So, profit in each day: (71*15) = 1065cc
Profit in 1 month: (1065*30) = 31,950cc
Which is enough to sign 3 MPPs.
(Although according to my strategy we should store part of it from the beginning)

As we can not say whether the WRM rate will go up or down, other alternate rate calculations are given below:
If the WRM rate goes down to 0.05cc
Then monthly income would be: 26,625cc
100% ROI time if the companies are dissolve😛 32 days
100% ROI time if they are NOT dissolve😛 112 days

If the WRM rate goes down to 0.07cc
Then monthly income would be: 37,275cc
100% ROI time if the companies are dissolve😛 23 days
100% ROI time if they are NOT dissolve😛 80 days

Now, the next important part:
Who is the person who can be trusted with all this seemingly huge amount of gold?
The person would be none other than our Ashwamedh, whom we requested to take this huge responsibility and he has obliged us by accepting our request.

So, take you time to understand the article and please vote for or against the proposed method of cc generation.

P.S. If you are thinking about voting against this method, keep in mind, we have NO other legal option to generate cc. Although this method is very low, we have to take it.

Voting link: Vote HERE


P.S. Financial calculations are done by 0pt1mus Pr1me. So, in case of any confusion, post here. He will try to answer all.