"Stronger Israel" charity action + IRC chat

Day 1,230, 02:57 Published in Israel Serbia by Nikola Ciric

EDIT1 : OK GUYS, WE DID IT FOR TODAY! I have shared 15x 0.19 golds and 20 q3 weps. We will continue tommorrow. If someone wants to donate, feal free 😉

Ladies and gentleman, good morning 🙂

Today is third day of our big charity action. I am sharing weapons, bread, boosters.. With help of my friends, today we are sharing 15 x 0.19 gold for boosters + 15 x q3 weapon. All you need is to sign in in comment (just write "I want booster and weapon").

This is open call for everyone who wants to join this big charity action! Just send me whatever you want (it can be 1 Nis or 1 q1 bread) and i will share it 😉

Our only goal is title of article = STRONGER ISRAEL! I am here for you, guys, lets rock!!!! 🙂

personal promotion / STRONGER ISRAEL

I am not hiding that i was serbian paramilitary soldier, but picture above is my personal opinion!

Today's donations : 2 gold from my friend GNEFCZ

5q3 weapons from vman5

Guys, please be active on our IRC channell. It is a place where you can have fun, and be informed of everything going on in country. go HERE , in field nick type your ingame nick, and in field channel type #eIsrael

your window should look like this :

(right click --> open in new tab )

Dear friends, i am waiting for one mate to translate page for guys who don't know english. I am really sorry for "google translate" from day before yesterday. I didn't know that it is so bad.

And for the end, your favorite part of my articles