"Rest in Peace"

Day 1,818, 19:19 Published in India India by The Khurram

Alot things happened in so short time, it looks like Chief M. Khurram once who controlled over everything in India, is now in trouble.

It came with the Presidential election results, when Chief welcomed the new President HemanathanKumar in Presidential Palace.

New President HemanathanKumar being welcomed.

Right after that Don Mugal accused the Chief. "I didn't spend Millions on election campaign, but I gave Millions to Chief to become the next President. It's a big cheating coz he promised me Presidency. I've proves." Later he provided this pic.

Later he accused Chief for more. "Chief had a deal with me and I gave him Millions. Only reason he let others win coz other parties arranged Booties for him. I can prove that." Later he provided this as proof.

After these allegations Chief M. Khurram contacted the Wise Old man Ashwamedh to discuss the exit. This telephonic talk was tapped by Wild Quark, between the Chief and Wise Old man.

Wise Old man: Yes, Ashwamedh.
Chief: It's me, Khurram. I sent you a message earlier but you didn't answer.
Wise Old man: I got your message but I was busy with a booty. Man, these United Aggression guys gave you the best booties. But I got the used one, this was not the deal.
Chief: Hey old man, where's your wisdom gone? We're discussing serious matters here.

blah blah blah (10 min) blah blah blah

Wise Old man: Look, According to the deal with United Aggression guys I and RD1234 and Kismu moved here in US. I ain't gonna help you until you ask UA guys to give me a fresh booty.
Chief: Man, what 're you doing? Can you be little serious? ok, I'm gonna call Her Highness RD1234.
Wise Old man: What am I doing? I'm at the beach and just working out."

Chief M. Khurram closed the call, when ShockWavve contacted him for a meeting. A message was traced to Chief's number from undercover agent Arminder in US. "It's done, wise old man is dead coz of extra work out."

Few moments before his death, Wise Old man Ashwamedh working out.

Chaotic situation appeared in whole India when it was confirmed that right after Wise Old man, the former Queen Her Highness RD1234 and former Congressman Kismu were also found dead. The cause of death was found same "Extra Work Out."

Dead bodies of "Worked Out" leaders were brought back to India, and funeral rituals and prayers were performed by Indian Spiritual leader Maharani Shweet Ashmita Asmitatheone. Chief M. Khurram also attended the service and paid tribute with booties to late leaders.

Last tribute to Wise Old man Ashwamedh.

Last respects for late Congressman Kismu.

Last prayers for late Queen Her Highness RD1234.

Last night live in Addy Lawrence's show, Chief M. Khurram gave this statement "India just suffered great loss, we'll always remember our "Worked Out" leaders. Rest in Peace my friends." He continued "But we're not gonna sit and just cry, we've brave sons and daughters who 're ready to serve. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you a brave son of India, the next Party President of India United, ShockWavve."

Jai Hind.