[PRESIDENTMEDDELANDE]Saving the media from spam

Day 475, 04:00 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

Nation! I apologize for not taking the time to write anything sooner. Let's blame it on alcohol induced writers block as I had a few things to celebrate this weekend.

First of all, thank you, citizens of Sweden! I do appreciate the confidence and I salute icehacker and his minions for making this election so interesting.

I want to assure you that although I haven't written an article since the election that I have not been sleeping on the job. Drinking, yes, sleeping, not so much. There's been a lot to do behind the scenes, such as reading up on top secret, totally cool stuff and some minor administrative things.

Betamjau is now my Vice President. I trust her completely, and her views are very similar to my own. I have also asked her to take care of my Minister of Awesome title until my time as president comes to an end.

Speaking of ministers, there is an opening for a new post called Handelsminister. Check it out http://www.erepublik.se/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=4116. As for the rest of the administration all I have to go on is this: http://www.erepublik.se/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=1316. I request that everyone interested in these positions apply for them in that thread. (Don't worry Beta, we'll clean it up later.) I will then appoint the person I deem most suitable for the position. This way the most active and enthusiastic, as well as competent, politicians of the country get to do whatever is necessary. If you don't get appointed minister feel free to apply for a diplomatic post http://www.erepublik.se/viewforum.php?f=123, or contact Marten1000 or Red Hank directly. They love getting pm😒.

Moving on, the media section looks like a steaming pile of manure. How is an article with 13 votes in the top 5? And all the gold for subscription articles, they're urinating me off (admin won't let me use the P-word). I call on everyone to report them as abuse and call for a ban of the citizen responsible. Getting a media mogul medal should be about writing quality material. Do not reward pointless spammers. Subscribing to them is like replying to a nigerian scammer and saying thank you for brightening your day, as well as asking him if he knows anyone who would be interested in sending you penis enlargement spam.

I'm running out of good cake pictures, so today, you get a tricycle.

Stay viligant, people, in case i accidentally the war button.

Also, the links are working even worse now. Can anyone enlighten me on how the hell you post working links?