[President] I have a plan!

Day 2,271, 03:36 Published in Denmark Denmark by pho3nix

This isn't the first time Denmark has faced a period of inactivity. And guess what; we only have ourselves to blame. The problem, as always, seems to be the size of the community. I could dive deeper into this discussion and analyze the funk out of it. The problem is however that noone cares, and hence I won't put my effort/energy into it. Instead let me tell you about a few projects that you can look forward to with me around to yell orders:

One, two, three - I declare ANARCHY!
- Our political system is broken. While some see that as perfectly fine, I see that as a bigger incentive for players to quit. Hence this should be our top priority to get working. With functioning parties, right now perhaps more oriented around personal egos than political ideologies, we achieve two important goals: We split ourselves up more evenly across the different parties (hopefully...) and we actually give people some sense of goal/ambition. If the political module is broken, we might as well turn our country into a fiefdom - meaning warlords rule.
In other words; Party Presidents - I urge you to make your parties into personal cults. I will RP the funk out of that.

Shoot the Queen - Cash Prices!
- There was a time when we had this REALLY COOL president, and he tried to create a cross platform tournament of Team Fortress 2. Well guess what? It's back. And here's the challenge:
Beat Maine Coon in 1v1 battle, win 500 DKK. Oh, and you have to join the group "Germark Gaming" on Steam. You'll need to be an eDanish citizen. Best of five rounds! I want to go broke doing this, and a screenshot to prove your victory!

- I am also proud to announce that I'm restarting P.R.A.T.A (the Presidential Reward for Awesome Text-based Articles). For each article in the Danish media that tickles my tummy, you get 100 DKK. That's as specific as I'll get. GET WRITING!

Alea iacta est!
- There will also be a new roleplaying initiative launched from the Ministry of Interior, in which you digitally dice-roll your way through adventure with our Minister of Interior. The outcome of the gameplay will then be dramatically translated by yours truly. Awesome prices in store for the winner, so look out for that sign-up thread on erep.dk!

And now; as my first order - POST GIFS OF YOU DANCING BELOW!