[PotUS] Reform, War, Community

Day 3,372, 17:20 Published in USA USA by Derphoof


The glorious work of this administration has begun.

The first thing we’ve done is introduced the repeal and replacement of the old Constitutional Appendix. Due to the invasive procedures to obtain money, found therein, it should be replaced in the event that an MU would like funding for national defense or other programs.

Here’s a rundown of the proposed legislation:
MU’s can request funding on a month-to-month basis
The MU will present a detailed plan to Congress
Congress will vote to approve funding with a simple majority
The MU must give an update to congress each month on expenditures, etc.
Congress can terminate funding at any time

Congress should vote on this plan in the coming week. This is a far better system than the invasive meta-regulations currently in place. It is the hope of this administration that the Congress will choose to reduce the meta-regulations on our Military Units.

Just as well, we will be closing the war with the UK. Although we had originally planned on just passing peace proposals, via game mechanics, we decided to simply close the war by wiping the UK, which will happen with victory in Scotland. This will close the NE, and allow our country to go after new targets.

However, if you’re wondering about TP in the meantime, don’t fret.

There will be at least 8 RW’s before the UK has freed itself, so there will be plenty of opportunities to grab some sweet TP points.

Upcoming Events:

The Military Bingo Game will begin this week. Look for an article as the week goes on.

eNPR Game Night is currently scheduled for Monday Night, 9pm EST on beam.pro/eNPR . Prizes will be awarded for game winners!