[PCP] Under Dom

Day 2,191, 11:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hi guys, I am the PCP’s new spokesman so I will be delivering some new articles to you fellow PCPers. I will write and publish at least one news update every week and there will be some other articles that I can publish too. Expect a regular flow 😉

Just got to let it out, you know?

So onto the actual article stuff…

Our PP elections were very close and very exciting. In the build-up to the elections, both Dominic May and LongShotzZ were really raising the hype with their fierce competition against each other. That was very exciting to be part of - then, ApronChef tried to sneak in at the end and capture the voters with his panda ways. Awesome stuff! Well done to everyone who entered those exciting elections. That was good fun!

Still, Dominic May won the elections and is our new PP. Please give Dom a big round of applause: *Clap clap clap*

Our lovely vCP this month is LongShotzZ and he’s got a couple of interviews planned. They sound good, keep an ear out for them!

And, of course, I am your handsome propaganda writer Spokesman! Yeah! Woohoo!

We’re already thinking about what to do for the Congress elections. If you’d like to run for Congress, please send a PM to either Dominic May or LongShotzZ as soon as possible. Spaces are being filled as we speak! I’ll reveal what our candidate order is at a later date.

We shall be working with the WRP, I’m sure you will all be glad to hear that. Again, more details will be coming soon! Thank you to the WRP for their continued support. We love you, guys!

Under Dom, we promote the donation of Congress medal gold to the NHS. If you are running for Congress with the PCP, please consider doing this - the NHS is a lifeline for the eUK’s younger players and anything you can do to help will be hugely appreciated. Thank you, comrades \o/

So as to lead by example, I promise to donate my Congress medal gold to the NHS if I win a seat in Congress.

A relic of an old time, the PCP is reviving this month! Expect to hear more soon!

Until next time,

PCP Spokesman