[NE] The Point of no Return

Day 2,108, 13:41 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain,

With the winds of the congressional elections mellowing, we in the New Era leadership are switching our focus. In the remaining days of my mandate, we will mainly be focusing on the upcoming presidential elections, recruitment, retention and education.

In the congressional elections New Era stood fast at eight congressional members, with little change from the past month, despite effort to increase voter turnout in the short time I had to prepare being my first term. In spite of this, however, the elections were quite the success keeping in mind that we are the second largest party in terms of parliamentary representation in the country.

With the presidential elections coming up, I have begun to take steps towards selecting our nominee.
The process of selecting our nominee will be as follows:
All members of the party will receive a message with a link to a form where they can either choose to nominate themselves, or someone else.
If they choose to nominate someone else, the person is obviously required to be an eUK citizen, but can be a member or any party / MU etc.
All nominees will be consulted, and those who don’t wish to run for presidency will be excluded.
After this has been done, I will send out yet another form, asking the party to vote on their favourite nominee, whoever gets the most votes wins the party nomination.

This way of selecting a candidate will be the most democratic way possible, in my opinion, and it will allow the members of the party to choose, rather than to be swayed to nominate someone by the party leadership and/or politicians running from other parties.
The reason I have chosen to select our nominee this way is because I believe that empowering our members, and the eUK community, is something we all need to work on. Voicing the concerns of everybody in the country, giving everybody the same political rights, is the best way to progress for the eUnited Kingdom right now.

Lately New Era has expressed desire for reform, something that I have been working hard on accomplishing.
Our party has been quite unified in the desire for reform, in the desire for a new public image.

We have been doing our best to ensure that the image of New Era is remade, but as we’re doing that, we will also have to root out what has been the cause for our poor image in the first place.
I believe that we have seen quite the success so far, we’re witnessing a more tolerant society as a whole, if you exclude a specific few flamers from various places of the eUK.
The changes we have undergone as a party have been rather drastic, and I believe that a vast majority of people, in New Era and the eUK as a whole, have been positive about it.

From now on it can never be the same as before, because the place that I’m from doesn’t exist any more.

I truly believe that the positive change we have seen is something that cannot be reverted, even though the progress may not be much if you look at the goal of a splendid party image, the progress we have made as a team has been so great for the party, with such support from the party, that reversing it would be quite the task.

An important task for New Era and all those around us has been to create a stronger community, within the party, and within the country.
After holding a quiz with decent success, I believe that we need to keep the momentum up and push for further community creating activities.

Having received a free copy of Crusader Kings II, I will be giving this away to the winner of our upcoming community event.
The details of the event have yet to be planned, but it will be shortly, after which it will be announced by myself or another member of our leadership.

Not a member of New Era yet?

New Era is a party valuing individual liberties, which is actively working for the progression of the eUnited Kingdom through means of promoting a strong, friendly and helpful community, diverse government and free thinking.

In the interest of the country, we do our best to give newer players a chance at experiencing and learning about the politics of the nation through encouragement, education and presenting them with multiple opportunities to make a real difference.

Join our diverse and democratic movement for free choice today!

As of now, I will leave you with this quote:

"In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so." -Immanuel Kant
