[NE] Raising a pint for tomorrow!

Day 2,101, 15:15 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain,

It is time once again for an update on what I’ve been doing over the last few days. That said we have circulated a wonderful form on what the party believes our most important goals should be. With a list of goals to choose from our party has selected their favorites with a response I am proud of! However, that will be discussed later in this article we been working on several community related games, and I will use this time to announce our first one! Lastly it is just four days until Congressional elections, I’ll outline what I’ve got planned for New Era and how we hope to make this our best team we’ve ever endorsed.

In order to get a better glimpse at what the party feel the biggest need for improving, I sent out a form asking them about their opinion. Among many responses, here are the top three things we as a party feel we need to improve:

1) Improve the party’s image.

Luckily the most important option to our membership is also my most important task this term. We will be working hard to rein in our Congressmen and members to be polite towards other parties and people as well, this will be very important when choosing our candidates on the 25th. We feel that we should support a friendly warm environment for our country not only to help our nation’s image in regards to attracting players from other countries but also for our newly born citizens as well.

2) Increase our share of congress seats.

The second most important option for our members are to win a larger share of Congressional seats. While this goal can take several months to achieve, we are going to do everything we can to make our party seem more appealing and responsible at the ballot box. From screening our leadership role positions to educating our members in politics we hope to show the voters we are bringing all we got to the table! Not only this, but also hope to use develop recruitment and retention tactics to grow our membership base.

3) Increased publication from the party regarding our policies & stance on current events.

The third most popular option, our members want and expect their leadership to make a stance on what is important to the people of the UK. That said, a ‘New Era’ needs to have clear purpose, and a vision for the future. In that spirit I will work to make sure we are clearly supportive on issues of importance to us, not only being supportive, but becoming more transparent to the people and hold leaders accountable for the positions they claim to hold within the government and within our own party as well.

That said, I have made sure all three of these are at the forefront on my to-do list for the party, with time I am confident we can improve. This includes not only these three major goals, but also all things the party told me they wanted to see improved.

Now onto a bit of fun we have planned for anyone and everyone interested!

On Friday the 23rd at 9 PM British Summer Time we will be hosting a quiz night for all those interested.
We will gather up on our IRC channel at #NewEra after which we might migrate to another channel, depending on how things play out.
Much like all good quiz nights, we have a prize.
The prizes will be as follows:

First place gets 10 gold and a free copy of Europa Universalis III Chronicles to be redeemed on steam.
Second place gets 10 gold.
Third place gets 5 gold.

We would like to see as many of you attending as possible!
If you’re not familiar with IRC you can find a guide on how to use it by clicking here. You are welcome to join us at #NewEra whenever you please. The more activity we get on that channel the better.

We would also enjoy having a larger presence on the British national forums, which you can find by clicking here.
Once you’ve joined we really would encourage you to request access to the New Era party forums.

That said, over the next couple of days be watching for me to announce who will represent the party this Congressional election. One of my main goals this month is to have the best possible list of candidates to represent us and the country in Congress. If you are a party member there will be a message sent around to you very soon to apply to run. We will be using that list exclusively to choose all of our candidates and their position in the vote. So if you want to run make sure you fill out the form, it is the only way!

Not a member of New Era yet?

New Era is a party valuing individual liberties, which is actively working for the progression of the eUnited Kingdom through means of promoting a strong, friendly and helpful community, diverse government and free thinking.

In the interest of the country, we do our best to give newer players a chance at experiencing and learning about the politics of the nation through encouragement, education and presenting them with multiple opportunities to make a real difference.

Join our diverse and democratic movement for free choice today!

As of now, I will leave you with this quote:

”Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.” -Benjamin Disraeli
