[NAZ4VP] Announcing Your New VP Eventually

Day 3,221, 10:43 Published in USA USA by Azazel Romanov

Greetings America,

I know you haven’t heard much from me lately, but there is an important matter to address regarding changes in your national administration. As you may or may not know, Vice President Resoula came down with a bad case of pneumonia which prevented him from participating in any way with the current administration. It was apparently unknown to President Orikfricai that choosing an absentee President would result in an absentee Vice President.

Seeing the need, I decided to step forward to become Acting Vice President during this time of crisis. I did so an act of sacrifice on the part of our country, since I love all of you. Except you; you know who you are. I reached out to President Orikfricai several times about doing this, but he has yet to get back to me about my appointment, so I assume all is well and he is just busy with waging his wars of aggression against the UK and Indonesia. He will likely be making the announcement of my selection later today or sometime next week.

My first act as Acting Vice President was to appoint someone to assist me in my daily duties to ensure my office is organized and on task throughout this trying month. Paul Proteus has been made Assistant Acting Vice President, ensuring that we have the most active Vice Presidency in recent history. He will be actively pursuing a new project of great importance that I cannot discuss due to national security reasons. I hope you wish him luck.

I will also be pursuing several projects related to party outreach and individual appeals to about half of the country made from the basket of deplorables who supported candidate Pfeiffer and are still bitter that Orikfricai is president. I will also make sure to include those who regularly have outsider views in our national discussion, only to dismiss them later because of their outsider views.

A new Vice President will be chosen eventually, but it may take time. We all know what considerations must be made in choosing a Vice President, such as which party is more likely to vote for you and how appealing they look to do little to nothing all month.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If you want to make your voice heard and make my selection fully official, be sure to message President Orikfricai to select me.