Day 1,342, 07:07 Published in Singapore Croatia by Grof Dubrovnik
PRIORITY VOTE FOR Logan, Arbryn, Thedark and Ancor Jael 13.15 erep time

Tommorow, Monday Congress elections will be held in eSingapore. We secured 4 our parties (SRP, NGP, Tewio and SW) with candidates and blockers. Blockers are supposed to NOT be elected and please vote ONLY for official candidates because we dont want PTOers from WFS party in congress.

Every vote is important. I want to thanks all blockers for help on this elections and dont vote for yourself xD.

This is the list of the Official eSingaporean candidates for this congress elections. List are made in deal with our curent president Bogdan Armand Sibrand.

Singapore Republican Party
Thedark ace
American Border Callie
The New Green Party
ankor jael
logan Dunleavy
Tewionist Party of Singapore
Flavio Net
ivan europe
Singapore Wyndia
Madalin Mastertrap SAFE DONT VOTE

Vote ONLY for this candidates above, DONT VOTE in WFS party, there are PTO candidates (Florentina-lustina, general.aurellanus, lucay, sony girl and Charyl Lim)
Wait with your votes if you can and check who of officials most need vote (or ask Bogdan or me via irc and ingame message) and not forget to vote. Every time you vote on elections, you get 5 exp points.

Thank you all for reading.

Minister of Security